Is there anyone who is currently appointed who can tell me what this 10 min meeting with the CO was about? He made the announcement that he wants to meet with all appointed men right after the meeting.
10 min meeting with all servants after the Tuesday meeting with CO
by Absalom 21 Replies latest jw friends
On the latest co rounds, they have been doing that. They are supposed to make special efforts to reach all inactive jw's in there area, and invite them to the talk on Sunday!
Yes, that's right DwainBowman - it's about the number of inactive people you have in your congregation, that is those that haven't turned in a report form consecutively for six or more months.
He will ask you to make an effort to contact them ALL and invite them to his special talk on Sunday about being rescued from world distress.
He will probably also be keeping score between congregations - nothing like a bit of competition! - so it's likely that, for example, he'll tell you that the North Town Congregation had 8 inactive people and 7 came to the meeting on the Sunday!
Of course it also all depends on how many 'inactive' cards your congregation actually keeps ;) on file for the CO to see....
That's all folks!
DarK SpilveR
Do more, give more, YOU are the gold standard of spirituality to the ignorant and docile sheep. The sheep are so dumb that they cannot possibly know what to do without you "taking the lead." Their spirituality and their very lives rest on YOUR shoulders! So get in there! Regurgitate that article with enthusiasm! Show that microphone who's boss!! Keep track of those voluntary pledged donations!! Don't forget that toilet!!
LOL!.... DATA-DOG did you get out of the wrong side of bed today?.... the meeting is just the CO handing over the cards of those who haven't reported for six or more continuous months to the CBE and asks that they (E/Ms) endeavour to contact each one to invite them to the Sunday meeting. It's all very quick and the CO will probably make a quick exit. NOTHING will be probably said about irregular reporters or those with very very very low hours, focus is purely on those inactive people. And no follow through, purely about attending the Sunday meeting that week.
That's all folks!
Dark SpilveR
Oh, of course, not fitting in with what you expect it to be means that the meeting is all rather a bit of an anticlimax LOL!
That's all folks!
DarK SpilveR
DD: lol...HAHA HAHA! !!! Sad but true. Great CO impression.
MissFit - maybe the rest of the visit is like that, but the 10 minute post-meeting meeting with E/MS isn't - sorry to burst your bubble - and that's what the OP was asking about...
The CO will probably spend all of 2 minutes explaining the governing body's request that all inactive people get called on during the week of the visit to invite them to the meeting on Sunday - he'll then probably exit the meeting and leave the CBE to divi up the inactives betwen the E/MS which takes a couple of minute, then that's it! It's all rather perfunctory
There will also probably be no follow-thru - ie no direct direction to encourage inactives to study, attend again etc.
That's all folks!
DarK SpilveR
All I can think of right now is David crying, "Absalom, my son, Absalom!"
Hmm. So I wonder if that means yet another phone call from the chairman of my judicial committee? I guess I have to stop being civil and tolerant about it, because 'tolerance has the boundary of decency' as that cute JW girl said in the latest drama DVD. And it's just indecent to keep calling someone who's clearly opposed to your beliefs.
But you said 'inactive', so...maybe I'm wrong there.
Yes, sd-7, only 'inactive' people, NOT disfellowshipped or disassociated people.
That's all folks!
DarK SpilveR