What year is a SAFE YEAR for the Watchtower Organization as far as having only produced NON-CHANGING doctrine during that entire year which will not become extinct in subsequent years?

by Terry 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    This is a damning question to be asked of any loyal, active, devout Jehovah's Witness.

    Can you choose any year in the entire history of the Org and say it is "Safe from error"?



    If there is NO single year EVER free from error--in what reasonable way can Jehovah being "guiding" the only "True" religion?



    What does it mean to be the only TRUE religion if--at no time in your history--was what you were teaching actually true?



    IF THE WTS decides to cut-off the past, expunge previous evidence of teaching from the Internet, bound volumes in the Kingdom Hall, CD-roms, etc--

    what are they REALLY SAYING about their confidence in being Jehovah's Channel of communication?




    Jehovah's Witnesses are only different from Christendom in one significant way: THEY COMPEL THEIR MEMBERS TO SPREAD

    THE ERRORS DOOR TO DOOR and then keep careful records proving how eager they were to get those mis-statements, mistakes, false prophecies and old-light understandings in the hands of every person on Earth.

    Then, laughably, they point to their success in spreading error as proof they are the only true religion.



    By carrying the name JEHOVAH'S Witnesses--every wrong thing they teach along the way reflects error, mistakes and false teaching on ALMIGHTY GOD.

    How is this not blasphemy?

  • Terry

    Imagine a Pizza franchise which opens up Pizza Parlors all over the world using a recipe that makes people sick.

    The delivery drivers brag about how many pizzas have been delivered for the last 100 years of company business.

    Every single last one of the pizzas contained contamination--BUT--the important thing (so says the Pizza corporation leaders) is

    how eagerly and how quickly they delivered the contaminated pizzas!

  • BackseatDevil

    Everything about the core of Jehovah's Witnesses lends itself to inaccuracy. From a bible with truncated passages and altered translation, to the name “Jehovah,” to the Egyptology spawning dates like 1914, everything about them is riddled with patchwork Band Aids to problems of their own creation.

    Plus, as copy-cat religion, they fall victim to very basic, post-Reformation mentalities such as the way they view Paul, the books they assign to his authorship, the way they view the literalism of the Hebrew Scriptures, the way they take Jewish lessons out of context, the way they view the “inspired” collection of the bible books, and the extremely simple way they use the bible to separate themselves from everyone else... even condemning reading newspapers as it is “Satan's Media.”

    And where they are most wrong? They demand allegiance to an organization without question instead of teaching bible education, bible history, or a personal relationship with God.

    They have not been correct for a single day since their conception. And preaching such isn't really blasphemy... it's just easily provable lies – and that sounds more like a crime against humanity.

  • sd-7

    Well, nice thread, Terry. By the way, I finally rented the 'Noah' movie this past weekend; I shall have to post my thoughts on your thread about that sometime.

    How about 2001? Safe year? I know 2007, 2010, 2013 are not safe years for sure. 2000 isn't, 1995 isn't. But I can't remember it all...

    Wow, this is a great question.


  • sd-7

    But wait...given the retroactive changes like the 1935 date removal...and the 90+ years of not knowing who the 'slave' really was...never mind. There is no safe year, is there?


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Terry... This is a BRILLIANT question!!! lolololol

    ZERO YEAR(s). There are no safe years. lololol

    Flip - flop - flip - flop. Nu -lite, now it's Old-lite.

    Now, it's, "If you bring that up and talk about it, you are evil". What?????

    Hey, WT/JW.org are the ones that printed it in the first place!!! lol

    I went d2d like they told me to, featuring their magazines and books that said "God Jehovah said... ".

    Now, I am evil if I bring it up??? lololol

    LoisLane ... Finished and done with the Nu -lite Old-lite game.

    This does not speak well of my intelligence that I was a seat warming drone accepting with nodded head and clapping hands, believing their unsubstantiated but opinionated opinion just because WT/JW.org told me to.

  • Vidiot

    Terry - "...they point to their success in spreading error as proof they are the only true religion."

    ...and, unsurprisingly, without a hint of irony, either.

  • Terry

    The foundation of Watchtower self-confidence rests on the essential difference between:

    1. An assertion of being "true"

    2. Verifying by evidence

    What a remarkably dishonest premise to suggest it is better to be "eager" than to be "right."

    What would you say about a Medical School who was so eager to produce graduate students they didn't bother to test them first?


    What are the ONLY TWO THINGS required of the Faithful and Discreet Slave?

    1. Provide food

    2. Provide food at the PROPER time

    Where in the above job description does being EAGER fit? Where does does contamination fit?

    If you serve food before it is cooked long enough to kill contamination--why are you proud of having served so many meals

    that make people sick???

  • Finkelstein

    An accurate portrayal of what and how this religious organization operates and conducts itself.

    The real disturbing part is how this organization is quite proficient to kick people out who wont agree to this engaging corruption,

    disseminating families and destroying individuals lives.

    One should realize that the WTS. is very destructive toward humanity.

    Well done Terry

  • Finkelstein

    If you look back at this religious publishing house you can see the doctrines were mostly

    created to attract attention to the publications that the head editors printed,

    not so much as teaching bible knowledge from an in depth truthful perceptive.

    The men who started this organization were not well educated theologians from a well regarded

    bible College, they were novice theologians were self expressive and perhaps opportunistic

    to spread their own acquired ideas.

    The ending result is an organization that is now fumbling over these ignorantly devised doctrines but still instituting a level of power, control and loyalty for themselves and

    to sustain that power and control, as well to continue its monetary support .

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