Usualusername, were you ever a BETHELITE? Anyone that has ever 'served' (I hate that term) at BETHEL can tell you that this attitude is fostered by the ORGANIZATION. On my second day there I had housekeeping training with Theadora Sainthill. Over and over and over she talked about her husband, the positions he held or holds and how she met him when he was 'ASSEMBLY OVERSEER' in such and such a country. She went on and on about this sisters husband and that sisters husband and who they were and what they were in charge of. I wanted to puke when she told me that in time I would figure out 'who is who'. To add insult to injury I was best man at at 'highly placed' brothers wedding in the 1970's. Most of the other men that I was introduced to did not know me and the first question out of many of their mouths' was: 'What POSITION do you serve in in JEHOVAHS ORGANIZATION ?'
The Watchtowers obsession with positions
by usualusername 15 Replies latest jw friends
USUALUSERNAME- VERY good thread and a VERY important thread I believe that exposes the psychological damage that the WT Society does to it's members as Jehovah's Witnesses. What Sparky says is SOO true ! When I was a JW way back in 2003 ( when I left ) and before- I would ALWAYS here that question come out of the mouths of other JW's , " What position do you serve in Jehovah's organization. " They wouldn't ask, " Are you kind ? Or what are your VALUES as a human being ? Or they wouldn't ask themselves, " Do I want to befriend this person because of them showing kindness or fruitages of the spirit " ?
No- NONE of that stuff mattered at all. The MAIN thing that many JW people were concerned about Was APPEARANCES, what position or rank you held as a JW - THAT way they could form a pre-disposed judgment about you in their minds as to whether they considered you " spiritual " - or not - then they would know whether they'd give you the time of day- or not. Spirituality was considered strong in a JW if they performed WT functions in positions of power - then a person was considered " spiritual " - NOT if they showed kindness or humane, loving actions towards others- if a person showed ONLY kindness with not getting a lot of field service time- they were considered " weak ", " unspiritual " , or bad association. Really twisted.
In fact- it's one of the reasons I exited the JW organization- I got soooooo tired of all the politics played by elders as my dad and older brother are long time elders who have always been more concerned about outwards apearances in their positions of power- than actually being good or kind or decent people. It nauseates me. In factwhen I was in my early 20's about 30 years ago my dad asked me this question, " Flipper how are you PROGRESSING in the organization ? Are you REACHING OUT for POSITION ? " He never asked me, "Flipper how is your relationship with Jehovah ? " It was always HOW I looked to others in whatever position or WT accomplishments I had succeeeded in. It was hell growing up in the JW cult trying to live up to this standard - and yet realizing within myself it was soooo phony and a croc of $hit experience. At age 44 I finally escaped the lie for good. Soo happy that I did 11 years ago.
But this obsession with power and control STARTS with the GB and WT upper management and higher-ups in the organization and it seeps down and permeates every single JW in their fiber to some extent - so you get a bunch of facade type JW's running around who are all putting on a show for outward appearances. I truly believe WT leaders foster AND encourage that smug attitude in JW's right from the get-go
then there is the missionary position.
lights out--of course.
WTS approved.
Iown Mylife
I'd get the question at assemblies and conventions, "So, how many book studies do you have?"
sparky: to the question they asked you: "and what POSITION you serve in the ORGANISTION--" I have sometimes answered,:"-- well,-- I used to be xyz, but now I have the highest, -- one that all must serve, a publisher, according to Jesus in Mark 9,10.
The race to the bottom in JW land is awesome.
Looking down on others from below is tricky, telling.
I had a power couple come up and tell me they were involved in both the Hospital Liaison Committee and the Building Committee.