No one can deny that they sounded good however I couldn't help but think back on all the reasons they gave in the past as to why a stop was put to this sort of thing a number of decades ago and why it continued to be discouraged by the "Society" for so long.
They said there would be competition and hurt feelings among the brothers and sisters as to "who was best" or "who wasn't good enough to be allowed into the chior or orchestra" (this was a problem back when there used to be an orchestra at the assemblies).
They said a spirit of competition much like is found in Christendoms churches began to enter in among the "friends". Jealousy and resentment crept in because certain ones thought favoritisim was being shown...etc.
They said these kinds of displays would draw attention to individuals rather than to Jehovah and would detract from the message. In fact in our Hall, our piano player was admonished not to add small flourishes at the end of each verse lest he distract the congregation from their intent to worship Jehovah with reverence.
The Conductor, in this video with his dramatic opening, his roaring from atop the balcony at the top of his lungs and his overly large movements while conducting the singers, did give me the idea that this was all about him and was his chance to shine and live out his moment of glory in the spotlight. I mean he practically threw his back out just leading a group of singers in a Kingdom song...and they probably would have done just fine without him. (You just know there was a bunch of sisters who rushed up to him afterward gushing with praise.)
I've seen these types of guys before, especially in Bethel and especially among the black brothers from the south. There seemed to be a tendancy with them to become all "Baptist Minister" when they had a talk to give or some small reason to stand in front of an audience to say something or even make a small announcement of some sort. It was such a huge deal to them and they took it all so seriously. That conductor reminded me of exactly what they'd do, even though a JW has it drummed their heads to be humble, unassuming, not to draw undue attention to ones self, a quiet and mild spirit....etc which is all very nice, but goes too far the other way and is a bit boring. Trouble is, following that advice, you wind up with an organization where everyone is about as interesting as yesterday's oatmeal.
At least the change that seems to be happening, will be a lot more interesting and entertaining for those who do manage to stick around.