On A Scale of 1 to 10 How Would You Rate Your Looks?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    This is kind of a sore spot for me. I'm probably a 6. I used to be a 7, when i was younger. Well, compared with alot of people my age, then maybe I'm still a 7. My spouse is s 10, and has always been a 10. When we first started dating, another person said, IN FRONT OF ME, "How can you date Skeeter, not that good looking?" I still get it, or forms of it, to this day. But hey, I have other assets. I'm not overweight, work out, have clear skin, and all my teeth still. And, I'm also fairly faithful and great in . . . So, I just laugh at the comments.

  • Quarterback

    Well, I'll give you my Wii rating, and it's an 8.


    Beauty is subjective. There are classic standards of physical beauty imposed upon us all. In my opinion, Chalize Theron is a 9.8. Brad Pitt in the movie "Troy" is a 9.8. There is no perfect 10, not really, but those are my baselines. Then you have humans that just have something about them, even though they are actually less physically attractive than my two examples. Anyhow, using pseudo science, I would give myself a solid 7.9. This is based on facial symmetry and body type. I am not the most attractive male in my opinion, as I consider my looks to be somewhat rough. I could look better with a few tweaks here and there, but it's my soul that counts. With about half of my life behind me, I am holding my own.

    It's all subjective. While a perfectly symmetrical object like the statue of David is appealing, an asymmetrical tree can be equally as beautiful. Then there is the undefinable "something" that attracts one human being to another. It can't be quantified. I'll never be a Greek God, but if you need an asymmetrical mortal to watch your back in a fight, just give me a call. One more scar won't hurt a thing. Besides, we are all going to look a lot crappier before the end.


  • minimus

    Minimus is a perfect ten.

  • DeWandelaar


  • millie210

    humans that just have something about them

    Those are the people that interest me the most Data Dog!

    And Minimus,

    I would have guessed that about you AND I must agree (just on a mental level from knowing you here)

    Minimus is a perfect ten.

  • JWdaughter

    I was a homely young person-overweight and not in a good way. As middle aged person, I am at a more desirable weight, but I am happier and I think it shows. I'm ok for a woman near 50. 6.5. I think my biggest drawback is my "at rest" face. I sometimes look grim. When I smile, I'm pretty darn cute and I get compliments on how I glow. When I am in pain (bad feet) I forget sometimes to school my face into something more pleasant.

  • frankiespeakin

    9.9999 leaving room for some minor imperfection.

  • bigmac

    you tell me. but i regret to advise i really couldnt give a sh1t

  • cantleave

    That must have been in your younger days Bigmac. This is a photo I took of you recently......

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