Freaking out a Jehovah's Witness

by jgnat 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DocHouse

    " What facts are those DH? You gave a list of excuses for the FACTS. My favorite is "To think crime is reducing is to be an idiot." You don't even try to provide a fact contrary to the statement above, you just plug your ears and say "yeah, well you're stupid" and run away."

    You're a funny little man.

    Even if a government "reduces" crime- it itself commits many crimes. Are you as stupid as you sound? There were so many fallacies in that graphic that I have no desire to post facts those like you would just deny.

    Enjoy your delusions.

  • DocHouse

    Want to "Freak us out"?

    Actually THINK and consider FACTS rather than heresay and propaganda.

  • daringhart13

    LOL tigersuit!!!

    I used to give those public talks......and it's more like the first 20 minutes. After that, everyone is zoned out and reaching for their Prozac.

    I can't imagine why someone not 'born in' would enjoy a public talk..........they are all about two things:

    The world is TERRIBLE

    Every other religion is TERRIBLE

    Now I go a church I love: NFL Football

  • DocHouse

    Well, DH- that just proves you were an insincere and lousy teacher.

    Enjoy your BallGod...

  • Crazyguy

    DH your picture posts proves one really obvious reality, nothing has really changed much over the generations, and yes that means nothing has changed much in the last days of the system of things according to the WT. So this is a glaring problem for them since according to the bible major changes were to happen right before then end. I guess this must mean that the WT has yet again got it wrong and we are not living in the last days. Oh and here is a shocker for you, I own the book 'Time at hand" written by Russell and 1914 was not to be the end of the gentile times and the begining of the last days nope, he wrote that 1914 would be the end and that year Jesus would finally come and Armagedon would break out. So you have been lied to. Do like the bible says and keep on growing in knowledge and test the expressions,make sure of all things. If you do this you too will leave the WT for they are liars!!

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