by Terry 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • BU2B

    Great thread as usual Terry. I share some of these quotes and things with my wife. Facts do not matter to a fully indoctrinated JW. I have marked and saved these for future refrence.

  • Finkelstein

    The GB and past Presidents deceptions were devised to lure the naive and ignorant into the operation of the WTS.

    publishing house for the purpose of proliferating the WTS's own literature, the religious part of this venture was

    situated at the front door with a big sign on it .


    What better vehicle is there to sell something than the assuming believability of the Bible as a source of truth of good wholesome direction.

    Where I personally think this particular religion fails is that it is was set up more so to commercially proliferate literature at its core agenda

    rather than extrapolate the good that could be offered from the bible's written words.


    The Watchtower Corporation became the target of support rather than the honest understanding and portray of the bible.

    What the WTS. is and eventually became was an example unregulated Americanized Charlatanism, contained with all its appealing deceptions.

  • JustVisting

    according to the Sept. '81 WT and the "Flock" book, the Organization should be DF'd because of an "unrepentant spirit".

  • Terry

    Thumbs up and that~~!

  • Finkelstein

    What one can see in the WTS. is the corrupt structure of organization from the alluring but false doctrines

    to strong arm tactics to make sure everyone agrees and answers yes.


    There is a psychological phenomenon where people are pursued to not question the doctrines out of inappropriate guilt

    and assuming trust from the head writers of each article printed, after all they are quoting Scriptures right out of the bible aren't they.

    Read the information, then read the question that has the answer within the information, walk out of the

    Kingdom Hall spiritually brainwashed.


    Put question to the information independently yourself and your messing with the product and the manufacturing process.

    The power structure of this organization repels independent thought, its described by the WTS. leaders themselves as being

    mentally diseased.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Excellent work Terry!

  • Vintagewife

    Thanks Terry! Well presented and spot on. I appreciate the research you do and look forward to reading more from and sharing it with the few family members still in. This is why I'm here on JWN! Vintage

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
  • RichardHaley

    Awesome OP Terry... also your idea of a book with just all contradictory quotes reminds me of that "Quote site" the the WT$ took down and stole the domain through intimidation tactics. My first thoughts of waking up was when I first discovered that site. Even though I was totally indoctrinated at the time I reasoned that the site couldn't be considered "apostate" when only WT$ content was presented.

    That sad affair reminded me of the "golden rule" WT$ style... "he who has the gold rules..."

  • b00mslang

    One of my wife's favorites is that Jehovah allowed it to facilitate a "winnowing work" to "winnow out" those that were working toward a date.

    Geez Louise, isn't that what the entire religion was founded on? The working toward a date?

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