It was announced at our meeting tonight that our CO (who is actually a pretty good sort) and his wife have been reassigned as regular pioneers. They are both relatively young (50s) and have been used extensively by the society recently. As far as I know there are no personal issues. Any other examples recently? Is it to make way for the ex DOs or is there another change on the way?
Circuit Overseer cutbacks?
by Saltheart Foamfollower 14 Replies latest jw friends
Just regular pioneers? Not special? That's strange.
Is it to make way for the ex DOs or is there another change on the way?
Most likely it is the elimination of DOs. There are what, 40 or 50 DOs in the USA? Have to make room for them as COs now.
Age 45-60 is the prime time to dump full-timers. Most of the Bethel layoffs from 6 or 7 years ago were in that age range. Just old enough to begin to be a much larger risk for medical coverage, but still young enough that it looks somewhat less heartless.
It sucks to be anybody but members of the FDS, ... er Governing Body!
LoisLane looking for Superman
Wow. It would be nice for them to be "privileged" to be special pioneers for a while, so that they get a bit of a paycheck from Brooklyn to help them with their new, life changing status.
It will be a shock for them, unfortunately.
When they are turned out by WT, I guess that means they hand over the keys to the circuit car too. Bummer.
So many new things they will have to get used to paying themselves.
-----> I hope they smarten up and throw their pioneer status overboard and see a guidance counselor at a local Employment Agency. They have classes for them to get retrained. There are careers out there to be had. Career is not a bad word. It is the word that will help you have a good life, something that the selfish GB/ does not want anyone to have except themselves and their friends.
It's called "Bumping" in the Business World, if your a reasonably young DO you can bump the C.O. in to the Special Pioneer work. It's fair, the D.O was there first and probably has more years of service.
I know of a siutation within the last year in which a young brother (35-ish) went to a cong during the CO's visit as a CO-in-training. The brother handled all the CO duties (talks, etc.) while the CO observed. He evidently had already been appointed as a CO.
Why would the org be appointing such men when they have plenty of DOs who could fill the CO positions and they are laying off some COs as indicated by the opening post? Is it because he's younger and is not as much of a health risk?
I know of a siutation within the last year in which a young brother (35-ish) went to a cong during the CO's visit as a CO-in-training. The brother handled all the CO duties (talks, etc.) while the CO observed. He evidently had already been appointed as a CO. Why would the org be appointing such men when they have plenty of DOs who could fill the CO positions and they are laying off some COs as indicated by the opening post? Is it because he's younger and is not as much of a health risk?
We also have had two local Elders go into the CO work. I think it is because these young men have gone through the TMS School or Couples School and they are diehard Company Men. And, like you mention, younger men & women have less medical risk. It's all about the money......and obedience.
There must be an issue with this CO, I have seen this before. Not enough to take away all his privileges, but they are just not happy with him.
It sounds like he got fired. One can suspect the reason based upon your first comment: "who is actually a pretty good sort"
That kind of attitude will get you no where in this organization. Moving to pioneer essentially means he will have a brief transition before he become a heavy poster on JWN. I look forward to his comments.