I can only speak as an elders wife but it was horrible. My husband did truly care about the mentally ill and most of the other elders would not even talk to them. The CoBE one time actually ran in the hall from one horribally ill guy. This guy did not bath and just mumbled when he talked but loved to go out in service so we always would up with him in our car group. I would have to spray the car with Lysol after service as our car smelled so bad. What the householders thought I have often wondered. What it was a day out for the mentally ill. To be with him or any of them at the door was so painful, I just wanted crawl away so many times. But they had their rights to go door to door.
I have been out in service with people who are hearing voices, who shake so badly they cannot even hold thier Bibles. I have been yelled at, screamed at, told I had no right as I was just the wife, you name it I have been there, done that.
We had one guy threaten to kill us and when we called Bethel telling them we were going to go to the police Bethel told us NO! They did not want Jehovah's name brought into it. Like sending extream mentally ill people door to door was not bring reporch on Jehovah's name? I went through two years of hell by this guy coming into the restaurant where I worked threating me. Only when one of the halls in the area got a restraining order would my husband agree that we could but even with the restraining order it did nothing as the guy was so crazy. I really thought he would kill us as he had many guns in his home.
The CO at the time all of this was happening told me that I was being unfair when I told him I could not handle it, I was totally losing it. We did not have a marriage, and we were just newely married as my husband was gone all the time. The CO told me that Jehovah was using my husband now and I could have him in the new system which was going to happen very soon. That was 25 years ago now.
It all came to a head with the pedophiles and I just lost it finally when a CO told me that I had no say in taking the child molesters in MY CAR because my husband was an elder. That was the final straw and I was done. We went to marriage counseling and even the counselor told my husband she could only handle an hour with a truly mentally ill person without a break. Here my husband had been spending hour, and hours and hour either on the phone or at their homes.
The marriage counselor agreeded with me that it was crazy for the religion to expect someone untrained like my husband to be an elder. Then the body deleated my husband because after all the years of hell I went through, by my standing up about the pedophiles I was not in subjection enough now and my husband did not qualify because he could not keep me in line.