Thank you
by hildebrando 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Thank you
Observing a KH build in a central american country is what actually made me see that something is really wrong with this religon. Being a north american and have been a part of many KH builds, the one in CA was an eyeopener. The 'offical crew' (made up of regular and special pioneers) traveled around the region building halls. They were the only ones allowed to eat the provided food by the hall. Any other local volunteers would have to bring their own food. This was drilled into us locals by the elders. Not even the sisters cooking for 3 meals a day were allowed to eat the food they were making. It was shocking to see the elder body eating with the offical building crew. Total hypocrisy. The sisters even had to prepare food for the crew on the day off (Sundays).
AC is not an option, even with local north american brothers volunteering to cover the costs. Our hall has a tin roof that acts like an oven. I bet temperatures hit over 110 inside with only 3 ceiling fans inside.
There was no love shown during the build. Their was resentment every time a meal was served. The poor local salavated as the 'crew' stuffed themselves. It was disgraceful.
NeonMadman, you don't have to pay for a subscription to Scribd to read online the Guidelines.
Yes, I know, but I'm an old fashioned guy and when something is that long, I prefer to print it out to read. So I usually try to dig up a pdf whenever possible. Also, I have a pretty extensive library of WTS pubs in pdf, so it also lends some consistency when I'm looking for certain material.
Jimbojones, suggest that the corrogated sheets be sold and the roof replaced with whatever local vegetation, and GOOD LOOKING weaving art can be used to make a thatched roof, cool, cool looking.
the audience or speaker wont be cooking.