It's my 25th yr anniversary of freedom

by rebel8 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • jookbeard

    great isnt it Rebel8, over 20 years for me and counting!

  • RetroNewt

    It's been a little over 10 years for me. Last time I went was I think around February of 2004

  • KateWild

    Well done Rebel and thanks for all your support. Keep up the good work. Kate xx

  • rebel8

    how do you foam at the mouth

    I drool, but you could try toothpaste or an antacid.

  • Jeannette

    I am so envious. I wish I had gotten out then, but no, I had to stay in another 15 years and the thought really grieves me.

  • wandasoo

    Congrats to you. For me it has been 30 years. Glad to be out, wish my hubby would get out. I pray everyday for him to see the light.

  • Phizzy

    Thanks Reb !

    My full Demonic act needs some perfecting, but I will work on it.

    I think I need to add some physical writhings and jerks as though something is battling within me, that, combined with the Evil Voice and foaming mouth, should scare the proverbial out of any JW !

  • Phaedra
  • flipper

    REBEL 8 - COngratulations on 25 years of freedom. I've had about 11 years of freedom myself ! I agree with you that freedom is the most precious commodity that we have in our possession after exiting the JW cult. Especially freedom of mind and freedom of movement as it brings a more total and complete world view to us where we don't live in a little square box anymore ! Congrats to you for getting an education and accomplishing great things with your life ! I have really enjoyed your posts over the years and your views you have shared. Keep on thinking and being free my friend. Take care, Peace out, MR. Flipper

  • rebel8

    Celebrating my 10,000th post here.

    Gawd. How much of my life have I spent on this forum? A lot of it! And worth it.

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