"Stay Alive till '75." Remember that? Note: this is the year 5774 not 2014. Why didn't they tell You that in 5735 (1975 AD?) Have You noticed all the buying and selling of property in NY? What they are expecting is not what You think. They are using Your time and money to build bunkers in upstate NY for Them Selves. Open Your Eyes. The Watchtower Corp. is a subsidiary of the Crown, which is ruled in Babylon don (City of London financial district) by one Elizabeth Windsor et al, Queen of Babylon don. This planet is a SLAVE planet people. SHE is Your Legal Owner. Your Legal NAME is the key. Read Rev. 14:11. It's YOUR Name it is referring to. You have been lied to from the day you were conceived. The WT Corp. is a corporate entity that was hijacked in 1917 by Crown and Jesuit forces under the leadership of one Joseph Rutherford, shyster Judge and Lawyer who turned the organization into a front for the New World Order dreamed of by the Rockefellers, Morgans, Schiffs, Rothsburgs and other elites. Jehovah is the name of a Semitic moon God related to the God of the desert Sin. When the Bible says Lord or God it refers some of the time to physical "Gods" on earth when the cannon was conceived. Getting them mixed up is the flaw in the cannon. It is a Great read when You know the key (intuition or spirit), not gibberish from a magazine publisher with deep pockets...
Stay Alive till '75
by John Chapman 40 Replies latest jw friends
J C. Could you provide some substance or links to substantiate your assertions?
Wow. All over the map on that one.
How interesting, John. Please tell us more. How is the h--- did I stay in that d----- religion for so long without waking up!
William Penwell
Someone has being smoking something.
so, wt writers are 300 years out from the jewish count the count of the people of the book? they explained that way back. butobviously wt writers are out, one way or another.
so the next corner is 300 years away? that's what I call an overlap!
Yes the Annunaki gods are coming back and were all in deeep do do, but thankfully the son of EL, Superman is her to protect us from this coming invasion!!!!
A little focus would help. As I tell my students, if you don't cite, it is simply your opinion.
DOES anybody ever ask: "Okay-1975 was NOT Armaggeddon--so WHAT WAS IT?"
Dos anybody ever ask: "You said the End of 6,000 years of human existence was 1975 and it was a marked year. How did you go WRONG if Jehovah is really chanelling TRUTH through you?"
Does anybody ever ask, "What causes adjustments to be made and New Light to be necessary IF JEHOVAH'S holy spirit is communicated TRUTH through you?"
Does anybody ever ask, "The prophetic SLAVE prepares Food AT THE PROPER TIME--so, how is preaching wrong dates PROPER TIMING?"
Why isn't the FDS preparing, distributing and upholding THE TRUTH instead of badly timed wrong guesses passed off as truth?
John Chapman
2015 = 5775. The bunkers in NY are common knowledge. ALL corporations on the planet are directly connected the the Crown and Vatican. The Crown and Vatican holds the actual alodial title to the planet itself along with all goods including houses, cars and people (slaves). This happened in 1302 when the Magna Charter was written for the elite, not the commoner. You don't "own" your home or car, even if it's payed off. You are granted licence via registration and mortgage to "use" it. The governments, bankers, law enforcement, courts, health care, education system and religions are complicit in their common goal to establish a "One Wirld Order," preceeded by a World War (armageddon) to reduce the population to a manageable number. The US is attempting to start a war with Russia in the Ukraine as we speak.
It all starts the instant you are born into the system where they take legal control and onership of your body. You are Owned. They have legal ownership papers on you. You are a SLAVE. Here's how it works in the real world:
This is how they literally capture your soul and body to enslave you for life. Read this very slowly and think about it, it's a little difficult to follow in the beginning. Think of it all in maritime terms like boats, ships, vessels, the sea etc. Unbelievable as it is, it's a fact of life. It gets much uglier and more depraved than this but that's for another day when your righteous indignation needs an outlet and an object to focus on.
The instant you are born they take a DNA (your construction plans which they patent) sample of your vessel (body) in the waters of your mother's birth canal by your doctor; (your vessel in its berth in the water (holy see) secured by the doc in the canal) where in the US it is stored under the Smithsonian Institute for future use. They also capture your sole (soul) print on your vessels (bodys) cargo manifest (Birth Certificate) which is traded on the world market based on your future productivity for the system. It begins by SPELLing your NAME in order to pirate your seaworthy (see, it's worthy of capture) vessel (body) and capture your sole (soul). Since your sole is captured on the forged manifest your vessel (body) is "dead" meat without a soul and commandeered as "salvage" on the high seas (holy see) under International Maritime Law. In reality they are controlling your mind (soul) with 24 hour a day propaganda and misinformation because it is the control and operating system they need to operate their newly acquired vessel (body). Your name with a DNA sample is sent to the Vatican where it is written on real kidskin paper along with many other names. Kid as in "goat skin" or kid as in "real kids skin" is anyone's guess but it is real skin). A Vatican priest then performs an ancient ritual over the paper, burns it and locks the ashes in the Vatican safe. Your name and your "dead" body are then inanimate property legally salvaged and SOULy owned by the Crown-Vatican for any purpose they desire. Most of our bodies are used as slave labor for their system (it's ALL their system). Others are used for cannon fodder, medical experimentation, human sacrifice, adult and child sex toys, sex slaves, and sources of internal organs. A limited few are groomed as slave masters (politicians, military officers, police and bureaucrats to mind the herd) and a very limited few are accepted into the fold by willingly giving up their soul. This is what the Skull and Bones coffin ceremony and the "Sacrifice of Care" rituals are about. They actually "sell" their soul to Lucifer by literally excising connections to the right (feminine) hemisphere of the brain through the use of certain drugs, committing some atrocity and mentally focusing on ignoring any sense of care, guilt or compassion for others. This is ritualized in their grove ceremony by placing the constructed image of a child on a raft in the water and burning it in front of Molec, the god represented as a 20 foot tall owl. They willingly force their brain into operating in a permanent psychopathic mode, just like their own masters. Notice how easy it is for them to lie with a straight face or order the death of hundreds, thousands or even millions without a second thought. This is as sick a group of individuals as could possibly be imagined. The trickle down currency economy Reagan brought into play is a reflection of the trickle down evil that pours into society from the top levels, infecting the population like a virus, which it actually is. Lots of intellect, big smiles, $2000 suits, makeup and distinguished careers (with some exceptions of course) are no indication of their true intentions. Anyone can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. In the words of the Christ "By their fruits you shall know them.” All I see in Washington, London, Jerusalem, Rome, Brussels, NATO, Paris, and all the other power centers of control in the west and large portions of the east is rotten, half eaten, vermin infested fruit, fit for nothing but fertilizer.The solution is to first understand exactly what they have done and are doing to you. By focusing your undivided attention on literally accessing the right hemisphere of the brain (source of the Mind) and when undiluted access is gained the "spell" is broken through your own intent. Your intent must be based on the reality of the situation you are in, not religious, political or historical fantasy or incorrect ideologies. This is demonstrated in the real world when an individual takes action to lawfully take back his or her name, vessel and full rights from the legal system that the slave masters use to control us with. The spell works simply by keeping you distracted, fearful of the consequences of noncompliance or ignorant so that your "soul" controls the vessel or body in a manner that they need to perform tasks and deeds in their interest. Solution? Become aware and not distracted, lose the ignorance and by doing so you lose the fear, therefore freeing yourself from their programming instructions. These distractions and lies are programmed into your brain on a daily basis, even unknowingly by family and friends as well. Awareness and knowledge of these techniques allows the individual to simply ignore and avoid these subtle programming instructions hidden in the media, books, education and legal system. This programming can't affect you as long as you are educated and aware of them all. An independent and informed "soul" operates their vessel or body in a manner detrimental to their purpose and that is why independent and free thinkers become targets of the system. They fear the Prometheus effect…
Your body is your "vessel" and your vessel is christened with a "name". It's the name of your vessel, not You. This is the connection to Admiralty Law or the Law of the sea and the key to your enslavement at your birth (berth) where your "vessel" is considered "salvage" on the open sea (holy see) allowing it to be "legally" attached like any other salvage floating on the seas of the world. The vessels sole print (soul print) or "operating" system is captured immediately on the ships 'manifest’ or birth certificate and used via 24 hr mind control to operate the stolen or pirated "vessel" for the benefit of the state, who salvaged your persona (body) and captured it's sole (soul) on their "certificate". Your "vessel" or ship is then "registered" like any commercial "vessel" under the ownership and control of the state; all with your original owners, your parents uninformed blessing and cooperation…
Register. Regis Star. Regis=Rule. Star=You. Rule the Stars…
There is one immutable fact when it comes to Universal Law. Justice WILL prevail, no matter the pain inflicted or the death caused to postpone it. EVERYONE pays for their "sins" in some way. We actually have a CHOICE in which Our "Justice" can been balanced or as harsh as burning in Hell, literally. It depends on YOU and I, the individual to make the choice of loyalty to a cause. If Our choice is war, pain and suffering, the same will be heaped upon US in return. This is the natural balance of the Universe. The longer one stays "unbalanced" the harder the re-balancing will be on Our psyche' and Our physical body. This is simply Natural Law. It's like gravity. It was established in the beginning and there's not a damn thing You or I can do about it. One can commit suicide but they will still face justice. One can hide in caves and tunnels and he or she will still face Justice. You can claim immunity via the church but the church is corrupt to the core and will face Justice herself. You and I have a choice to make or it WILL be made for US. The more people We individually kill, harm, destroy and persecute (including Support through government) the more Justice will render its due, to You and/or Me. Individual forgiveness is still possible but that possibility is fast waning…
The Crown = City of London (the "Square Mile" financial district, "little" London) = Baby London = Baby lon = Babylon the Great with 7 "heads" (districts) and 10 "uncrowned kings" laying in wait to steal your soul and your property with your mark of the beast legal name while the "scarlet woman" or paedophile queen Elizabeth rides its back drinking the blood of the children as well as the Palestinian, Ukrainian and Middle Eastern Holy Ones whom the Cross and Crown crucify publicly without protest while their fake as yet un-named anti-christ zionist avatar praises their efforts and promises peace and then cuts your throat and rapes your wives and children. It was all prophesied in the Christian Bible, the Jewish Torah and the Islamic Quran centuries ago…