Controversial Opinion: Why the web site campaign is actually brilliant

by Apognophos 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DesirousOfChange

    I wonder if the 8 million have realised they are being used as unpaid salesmen to prop up the coffers of ' mother '


    The 8 million believe they are unpaid ambassadors/representatives for God & Christ.

    To them, it is a better "gig" than they have on their 9-to-5 job.


  • stuckinarut2

    Good comments in the opening post.

    Yes, this campaign has both good and bad aspects to it....but one thing can't be denied: it certainly has hyped up the average witness and every congregation!

  • Emery

    Great analysis, I think it's smart but they're very late to the party. This campaign would have been brilliant back during the dot-com boom, not 13 years later having to compete with a gazillion apostate websites.

  • insidetheKH

    @Emery With all respect... those 'gazillion apostate websites' are no competition at all. Well known sites like and a forum like hardly get any visitors at all.

  • tornapart

    I think you could be right Apog, whenever I have anyone come to my door, either a charity or selling something I say I don't want to talk at the door but do they have a website. This gives me the option of looking at what they are all about without feeling hounded or under obligation. If I want to go further, ie make a donation to a charity or buy something I can do it without any pressure.

    I think this will point people in their direction at first, whether it'll make them want to be called on is another matter but I still think it's quite an effective ploy.

  • Oubliette

    Interesting OP, Apognophos.

    You raise some interesting points. There is no doubt that the WT leadership is making this move as part of a calculated, well-planned effort.

    What I find silly is the idea that they are sending people out to knock on a stranger's door to give them a magazine that will direct them to a website so that they can download the magazine that was just personally delivered to their door!

    - -

  • galaxie

    Inside kh.....vast majority of people seeking information on any given subject will use many different sites, it's basically the reason d'etre of the internet.

    The fact that the borg directs people to its official ' web ' site will by default send more to other sites such as and not exclusively to those you mention.

    Human curiosity will prevail to prove to many the hypocrisy and falsehood of the gb( fds parable snatchers).

    Inadvertently using wordly inspired technology will stumble many jws and expose the wbts as the charlatans they are.

    Best wishes.

  • Apognophos

    Well it seems my opinion wasn't so controversial after all! The best objection might be that while people are in the web browser they could easily type "jehovah's witness" into the search bar and immediately start learning the real facts about the religion. The thing is, I'm not sure a lot of people would think to do this. They're going to see a pretty harmless-looking bunch of platitudes about family and the Bible and are not likely to think, "Wait a minute, is this a cult?" I doubt most people would Google, say, Lutherans before attending a Lutheran church, so if people see the JWs as just another brand of Christianity, then they are not as likely to do this kind of research. That being said, perhaps they will look for a place online to talk about the religion and come across those sites, or this very forum.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Yeah, i think the big thing that peole are going to find to be missing on is a comments section. Obviously it would be absolutely impossible to host a comments section because it would immediately be flooded with folks like us enlightening the R/F and any potential converts. Hopefully people will do a search for jw forum or something similar, which will take them right here.

  • galaxie

    Apog..I tgink people do think to access other sources for information.

    If you only have a biased magazine or book or even a person with a specific agenda to glean information from at your disposal mthen your point is relevent.

    Given the wealth of information and ease of usage I feel interested persons looking for answers or information on any given subject will peruse a variety of information at their immediate fingertips.

    Human curiosity will do as curious does imo.

    Best wishes.

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