Then you get some dumbass elder impersonating a cop... oh yeah, I can see how Jehovah was blessing that convention....
More JW bragging about the Landover, MD. convention. Please have barf bag at the ready before reading
by AndDontCallMeShirley 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Shirley - "The claims are easily debunked."
They've moved from spin to full-on bullshit.
this must have been a point of emphasis for the congregations in the area of the Landover DC, my wife made sure she told me almost verbatim the same thing, guessing must have come from the service meeting.
makes you almost miss the capitol center, on a side note
Doubting brother how is it that you find time after a redskin game to tailgate i thought redskin fans would be looking for the nearest watering hole or a gun to put themselves out of misery this team has been a joke for a long time the only thing i look to the redskins for is to see if they beat my team the ravens cause everytime you guys beat us in the regular season we win a superbowl yeah GO RAVENS!!!!
Vidiot: Wow. They've moved from spin to full-on bullshit
In WT parlance bullshit is called "progress" and "keeping up with Jehovah's celestial chariot".
"Spin" is old light and an outdated term.
182 buses. Let's say each bus carries 70 people. That's over 12000 people on buses.
If the total audience was the mid 50's, minus the folks on the buses, that's around 45 K that actually drove to the stadium.
If they really parked 22000 cars, that 2 people per car. Considering that entire families travel together, and some others car pool to the convention, something doesn't add up.
Why didn't Jehoober simply fly all the cars to the stadium, like he flew all the animals to the middle east so they could get on ark during the flood? Would have been much better.
And I thought that mass transit was strongly encouraged for those going to the convention, so a lot of folks did not pay attention to the guidance to not drive personal automobiles.
So God was one day late for the convention? He missed Friday and only got there for Saturday and Sunday? Even then, he arrived late.....
This just in: Landover, Maryland just set a personal record for the most amount of money in tips to waiters and housekeepers. The mayor was quoted as saying he was out and about and virtually everyone was dressed so nicely and so polite and men were holding doors for women and children. Birds chirped louder in the trees than ever before and cracks in the concrete sidewalks were healing themselves.
You forgot to mention that the sky was bluer than ever and even the clouds were happy as the floated over the stadium.
insearchoftruth: so a lot of folks did not pay attention to the guidance to not drive personal automobiles.
It's okay, Jehovah will give those rebellious JWs a mulligan on this one because they helped Him and WT set a new "record" He can add to his list of inconsequential WT trivia proving JWs are the greatest people to have ever graced the soil of this planet called Earth.