Thanks WT87!
So they are going to spend a whole Service Meeting discussing the beliefs about 1914! They are going to use the 'Conversation With A Neighbor' two-parter and a chart from the soon-to-be-published Nov. WT to help.
Oh boy.
by WatchTower87 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks WT87!
So they are going to spend a whole Service Meeting discussing the beliefs about 1914! They are going to use the 'Conversation With A Neighbor' two-parter and a chart from the soon-to-be-published Nov. WT to help.
Oh boy.
My comment would be, "The demonstration was effective because it dodged a question that can't actually be answered biblically"
My comment would be: "The demonstration was effective because it was contrived to be so. Make me the householder and let's see how effective it is."
As they close branches, and then 'add' in some displaced countries and several territories, to another branch, to seem to create a sensation of increase but really isn't. Saw that when they closed Hawaii branch few years ago.
You would think the attendance for the last memorial would be much higher.
Last year: 2,611,818
This year: 2,610,810
Decrease/increase: -0.04% (or 1,108 people)
First, number of baptisms begins to drop.
Next, Memorial attendance levels off, prior to its inevitable decrease.
Finally, raw number of publishers levels off, prior to its inevitable decrease.
Step 1 occurred 15 or so years ago.
Looks like we've finally hit step 2.
How long before step 3?
Step 2 was 2012 if I remember correctly - 2011 being the peak of memorial attendance that has not yet been beaten.
Thank you
The KM has once again pulled the whip out. Now you won't survive armageddon if you don't have a sense of urgency.
They have to be able to explain 1914. Even though they say this is so they can defend the truth in front of the householder it is really just brainwashing by repitition. They also remind the sheepie that it is Jehovah that is providing them with these understandings and to be thankful for it. So by not accepting the understanding they are being ungrateful to God.
The whole KM is full of cultish terms and page 3 is a complete guilt trip.