E-Watchman? Thoughts?

by thedepressedsoul 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • garyneal

    I was never a JW but when I began questioning my faith and researching I came across his postings. At first, they seemed sincere but ultimately I found that he writes like the Watchtower. His postings here as 'You Know' damaged his credibility as did his YouTube debates with others like 21CrossCheck21 and Tim Kilgore (who posted here as Tuesday). For me, the coup de grace came when one of his podcasts was commented on by Brett Palmer on YouTube.

    This one is my favorite:


  • BucketShopBill

    Who is he? Is he of the annointed or self-appointed annointed? What do the experts on JWN say about the e-Watchman, I don't follow his works, do any of you?

  • donuthole

    His name is Robert King. He was disfellowshipped as an apostate. He believes that Jehovah's Witnesses are God’s chosen people, but in error. He wrote a book, Jehovah has Become King, which re-interprets Bible prophecy casting Jehovah's Witnesses (not Christendom, as per the Watchtower) as an anti-typical wayward Israel. His exegesis bore similarities to the Report by ex-CO/cultist Donald Burney, leading some to suggest plagiarism. He styles himself as the true successor to the lineage of Russell, Rutherford, and Knorr, with the suggestion that his early use of podcasts has a kinship with early Watchtower efforts in new technology like “talking” motion pictures. Like Jehovah's Witnesses King's slant is very apocalyptic, leaning heavily on controversial-activist, Lyndon Larouche. King often relies on Larouche in his prophetic interpretation, as well. At various times King has gained a small following of ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses. His message is particularly attractive to ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses who are aware of the Watchtower’s controversies, but still believe that the religion is basically the truth. He has held few followers as recently disfellowshipped individuals gravitate further away from a Watchtower-centric worldview. Nevertheless, King remains vigilent on the Internet, most recently as a YouTube prophet, decrying the abuses and failures of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. In doing so he has insinuated that he is Ezekiel, Jah's modern day watchman.

    … Robert I’m available to write your biography. That’s a free taste. I'm thinking the title could be, "Robert Has Become King!" What do you think? That's a freebie too.

  • daringhart13

    He is well known having been a JW in the area I live in.

    He is ...ummm...how do I say this?


  • opusdei1972

    When I left the Society I contacted him by email. However, he was angry when I said that Rutherford was an evil man. So I noticed that he was as lunatic as Fred Franz. He even suggested me that I should not stop attending the meetings. Instead, I should wait for new instructions when the true anointed ones will be revealed.

  • opusdei1972

    In doing so he has insinuated that he is Ezekiel, Jah's modern day watchman.

    But...Ezekiel was a false prophet....so by this way Robert King is following Ezekiel's steps.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I feel very ambivalent about him. He does a marvellous job of brilliantly tearing apart so many false JW's interpretations and creeds (mostly eschatalogical), but unfortunately he is still hopelessly trapped in the erroneous view that JW's are the 'true religion' and rigorously defends them in that respect.

    His website can be very confusing for newbies, as he ruthlessly escoriates the organisation on one hand while at the same time outspokenly defending it. Quite schizophrenic really.

  • whathappened

    Ok...anyone still on the fence about god, listen up!

    Get The Atheist's Book Of Bible Stories, it is available online. (Excerpts also on this web site-use search feature.)

    Log on to www.thethinkingatheist.com.

    Go on YouTube and search for Julia Sweeny's video.

    Spend a hilarious afternoon on YouTube watching all the videos under the search option "atheist humor."

    Eyes will be opened...I promise you.

  • Ocean1111

    I think it is more and more obvious, as EW also states, the Bethel center is an apostasy, it formed under the Governing Body 1976 dictatorial coup. Its pretty simple when one sees the veneer is the same, assumption and presumption, that the apostates at Bethel hide under, as usual, that is the last point of Christian truth to subvert, and subvert it Bethel has done very masterfully.

    Plain and simple Bethel's leadership is the Classic Apostasy, in final form, of all prophecy because at one time they were exposing the UN as 8th King forming world government, for two UN placements in 1919 and 1945.

    But in 1990 when the UN 3.0 placed as the "new world order" initiative, Bethel went UN NGO and does not explain all the UN placements have to be prophetic, including that little Daniel 11:30-32a segway that also explains the Bethel co-developing apostasy. By now, twenty years on the wrong "exit", off course, the whole Bethel system is just an 8th King "King North" collusive mimic system.

    Thus Bethel's premature "the end" scenario will aid the Bethel planned downfall to cover the coup-de-grace, that began with the GB dictatorship that guides it, as if "prophecy is fulfilling brothers!..." A great final smokescreen is now in place, perfectly but falsely anticipated by JWs own Bethel engineered "self fulfilling prophecy". But in reality Bethel will end long long before the world system that must proceed to that 8th King world government obvious culmination of globalization JWs used to track at one time in their ministerial history, a long long time ago.

    Today's JWs are just Bethel sycophants and worshipers and UN NGO co-promoters of the 3rd UN placement they fail to explain properly.

    How much clearer need apostasy be to see it? A good question for today's "Jehovah's" witnesses, really just essentially "gradually given over" GB followers. (Dan8:12);

  • BucketShopBill

    Why would God choose a WASP Religion? I don't understand how Robert King (I am speculating, if he believe's Russell and Rutherford-the-Materialism-Crook, Knorr, and Franz (All white men, no men of older lineage) were God's prophets?

    Hubris and Arrogance, which Greek god had two faces, if he excoriates the Watchtower for false prophecy, how can he commemend them? It's a Zero-Sum game, either your winning with God or losing, no in-between with both Robert King and the Watchtower?

    Watching all those Iraqis who refused to convert, hiding, sitting on that hill, hiding in sewers, caves and dying of thirst and hunger. They are facing a certain death if the West did not intervene (Gods help?) while Robert is not living a life of poverty like Jeremiah, Ezk, Isaih, Jonah,ect.... He is not poor, those expensive cameras,pricey audio equipment and air conditioning, how are these men suffering for the name of Jesus Christ?

    Why would Jehovah allow himself to be explained by the Occult? You provided facts on JWN showing all End Times dates were based of Pagan Buildings and Dark Magic, Numerology and Lies.

    Has Robert ever debated Greg Stafford, how would that debate go? Would Greg or Calvin kick his ass debating Philosophy and Theology versus man contrieved doctrines? Robert King sounds mixed up, if he is wishing members to remain at the Kingdom Hall, he think's the Watchtower is Wayward Isreal and is in need of the Prophet to patch their wine bags with new ideas. What makes people assume the Watchtower once had God's Blessing, there is no outward evidence he has picked any religion since Early Christianity began. To believe that Jesus lied when he said "I will be with you until the End of the World", they lie and contradict Jesus Christ's words, why?

    The harsh truth is Robert King can't accept the fact he followed False Prophets, so he tells himself '"if they follow my ideas, repent and become normal, they will be in with God again!" A faulty assumption indeed, one must present proof God used them in the first place, from all the unbiased documents and history I've read, it's obvious we got duped! I hope Robert King figures this out, there is no justification of following a modern Buddha (Joseph Franklin Rutherford), Buddha when his first son was born, abandoned his wife and kid and left to find enlightenment.

    The Buddha said "To acheive enlightenment, you must abandon your wife and kids", that's what Rutherford did, he left his wife and kid at the mercy of life so he could enjoy booze, women and money. Why can't Robert King see through these lies, why follow a modern Acan?

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