I have an almost-new deluxe bible I haven't been able to bring myself to throw away just yet. I've dumped a lot of literature, but I've held on to a few items including a few bibles and my pioneer school book. I'll eventually get around to trashing it, but I can be a bit of a pack rat at times.
I think this is closure for me.
by quellycatface 33 Replies latest jw experiences
The old printed literature, even recently old can be valuable for research. I wish there was an easy way for those wanting JW materials for research, to connect with those who wish to purge all the old materials.
The rate at which the WTBTS change the wording in older literature and pretend it was not changed is insane. Unless there is original old literature to counter it, then it is unprovable.
One of the first things I did when I discovered TTATT was burn my blood card while smoking my first cigar and drinking some good ol' Caribbean rum! It felt great, a HUGE relief.
I got rid of my magazines over the course of a few months after I moved. That was also something very special and liberating-- I honestly felt cleansed. It all went immediately to the recycling bin. :-)
I also got rid of my notebooks-- took pics of the covers to remember them by, also some pages where my daughter drew at the meetings LOL , and some pages that had some prayers I wrote to Jehovah.
I still have the badge to the last assembly I went to. I MIGHT hangonto that for a while. But idk, I just want topurge it all. Feels too good to let it go.
Pams girl
Closure is good, celebrate!
Band on the Run
I was so angry about the Witnesses that I put the NWT in a metal trash can that imitated Andy Warhol's soup cans. It seemed to take forever to get flames on the fraud Bible. It was stupid of me. The fire started to get out of control. It spread so quickly once it started. I had a permanent reminder on my floor. Thank God my mom was there and assumed control. I took thick black magic markers and wrote "F....Jehovah's Witnesses."on the wall. New paint job needed. My brother and sister felt sorry for me.
troubled mind
I went through stages . The current literature went first . Then bound volumes and service literature . When it was all out of the house I filled my bookcases with science,art,and nature books . It felt like a weight lifted .
Something kept nagging at me though ,holding me back ...it was the albums of pictures I had of all the 'old' conditional friends . I was the local photographer for several years ,so I had multiple weddings,engagements ,babies ect of our old jw acquaintances . I finally purged those from my home too ,and it felt like closure finally for me after I did that .
Glad you are feeling some closure for yourself too .
Baptism cards? Is that a thing?
Beautiful Dreamer
Hi quelly. I put most of my cards and letters through the shredder. It felt so good.
Kept my bibles. Even got the new one. Years ago, elderly sis gave me old bound volumes. I threw all of them away. Wish I still had'em. Some from the 1950s. I made sure to shred mags and rip up books so that no one would pull 'em out of the trash. All very cathartic.
I threw out most of the books and magazine I had laying around long ago. I still have some older bound volumes...not sure how useful they will ever be because I'm not much of scholar and would probably never look anything up. I also have a cross and crown pin that belonged to my great grandfather who was a JW. No reason to keep it really, except for the family connection. This thread made me want to go upstairs and see what I have left and what I should get rid of.
I also have a cross and crown pin that belonged to my great grandfather who was a JW.
Don't toss it.
I'll buy it if you want to get rid of it.
(I'd love to wear that to a meeting)