Demon attacks on JW in past, where'd they go?

by thedepressedsoul 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    In the world of JW issues/concerns come and go based on what comes and goes in Watchtower teaching.

    Demon activity used to be trumpeted by Watchtower. Today it's not. So today JWs don't report incidence of demon attacks like they did formerly.

    Watchtower used to show pictures of demonized houses and substances. See:

    Today Watchtower is very careful not to trumpet incidents as though demon activity.

  • jam

    Marvin: So it's ok for JW's to buy at yard sales. LOL

    They have come a long way since the 70's...

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    From what I've heard, the demons have been too busy with politics this past year or so, they've not had time to be playing with smurf toys..

    16 Jun 2013
    "You brothres are probably right. We are so close to the end of Satan's rule, that the demons are out there expressing themselves through his political whores. Britain sides with the U.S. Then Russia sides with Iran, North Korea, China and etc. They are all his dupes,! I see that the "pushing" is getting more and more aggressive. Did you all read about Iran, the people and the demons all voted for a more tolerant cleric towards the West."

  • Vidiot

    respectful_observer - "I seem to recall about 10-15 years ago, there was "direction" given that sharing accounts of modern day "demonic activity" from the stage and even in conversation was strongly discouraged, as it gave Satan and the demons some measure of attention, honor or respect that they were not due. Can anyone else back me up on this?"

    Rings a bell.

    'Course, the real reason they started nipping 'em in the bud amongst the R&F was probably because they finally figured out that most of 'em were either bullshit, schizophrenia-related, or cribbed from the fundy/evangelical subculture.

  • thedepressedsoul

    Wait, what was the issue with Smurfs? That was before my time and I only remember them in Nickelodeon when I was very very young.

  • losingit

    Vidiot-- was it really that long ago? I remembered hearing that from the platform 5 years ago and hearing someone repeat that at a gathering about 2 years ago. Perhaps they were just reminders.

  • Oubliette

    Viviane: Does it seem strange how demons never bother people that don't believe in them?


    Quite a few years ago at a period of time when I was going through a severe crisis of belief I verbally invited both Jesus and Satan to come visit with me and sort this whole mess out.

    Neither accepted my invitation. Apparently they don't believe in me. I decided to return the favor. Now that I no longer believe in either of them (or their cohorts) my life is much simpler.

  • Oubliette

    Marvin, welcome back.

    Those WT demon articles you have on your website are a hoot.

    What a bunch of retards!!!

  • HeyThere

    I have recently heard witnesses mention demons, including my own husband.

    The sister I was studying with told some crazy demon stories about stuff from yardsales, etc. So she is still under the impression that demons infect yardsales goods and doesn't buy from yardsales. Her story centered around demonic earrings. Very...strange. My child was there hearing the stories, I did damage control later and explained the whole mental health aspect.

    Now my husband, ugh. He threw out my CoC book and said apostate stuff can bring demons into our home.

    And smurfs...He was raised believing smurfs are demons and now has banned smurfs from our home. I have been very tempted to buy smurfs and leave them around the house in odd places but figure I will keep the peace.

  • jgnat

    I have the travelocity garden gnome in my flower pot, and a visiting ex-JW called it, "Demunzzzz!"


    This garden ornament freaked out my evangelical daughter:

    Ceramic Sun

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