Disturbing cover picture November 2014 awake!

by stuckinarut2 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stuckinarut2

    Oh wow....

    I have just seen the cover picture for the November awake!

    sorry, I don't know how to post a picture here....(perhaps someone else can assist?)

    It is just plain creepy.

    The article is called "Keys to a happy life".... But the looks on the faces say something different! I would call the article "Creepy happy people....come join us......or else...."

    Seriously, is it just me, or is the photo collage of faces just creepy?


    It's an advertisement aimed at the low-hanging fruit of society. No offense to people that were sucked in, like my ancestors. A person with emotional issues, or who is at an all time low, might find the advertisement appealing. It's just like all the pics in EVERY magazine and on JW.borg. Every single one is a fabricated piece of propaganda, designed to appeal to the sub-conscious and to the base emotions.

    In other words, they are all fake. It's all JWs acting like regular people. They don't go out and preach to people and take pictures. It's all staged! EVERYTHING they do is staged. Every single person that you see in a JW picture is a DUB!! Sadly, dubs think these are real pictures. They even believe that Jeehoober used Holy Spirit to magically guide the hands of the illustrators at HQ! The "historic" pictures of ancient JWs preaching in the market places with book-bags and scrolls are real!! LOL!!!! INSANITY....


  • stuckinarut2

    Oh I agree DD!

    What I meant though is that this latest cover, which was obviously designed and approved by the GB, is actually really creepy looking!

    I reckon it will actually scare people away from taking the magazines!

    Can someone post the cover pic of the November Awake? ( I wish I knew how...sorry all)

  • Magnum

    I just checked JW.ORG. The latest they have up is Oct. Do you have the physical mag? I want to see the cover picture.

  • wifibandit

    Save the picture to a hosting site. (I use WWW.imgur.com ). Grab the URL of the picture you just saved (for example: www.imgur.com/adftehjd)

    Then, here at JWN write a comment. Click on the icon of a tree (above and to the left of the smiley face) and past that URL.

  • InquiryMan

    I have never thought preaching pictures in the literature was real... Even as a JW... They are illustrations that are staged... and I guess most people do understand that...

  • clarity

    Ditto .....what Magnum said......

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I don't see November either. Any way of posting a link?

  • stillin

    Bttt. I want to see! Lotta comments here about the November WT

  • Listener

    When did JW females start wearing flat heels?

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