Really? Studying?
What the Witnesses call "studying."
by stillin 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
Barrold Bonds
Read Paragraph
Read sentence out of paragraph that answers question at bottom of page
read a scripture
studying lol
I know for a fact that many JWs randomly underline and/or highlight their Sunday WTs just so people will think they have "studied."
JWs are actually forbidden from real study as that involves critical thinking, a skill about which they are expressly forbidden from utilizing.
In this Paragraph we just read "Jehovah appointed C.
Russell as his mouth piece, all other religious organization
are tools of Satan. There is no doubt about it, we are right.
No need to check our words of truth. There are one or
two scriptures that prove this to be true."
A question I have for you " how much do you know about the Bible".
Good, you haven't read it.
So from the paragraph, Who is Jehovah's earthly org.
A pious sneer friend of mine went to the P School, in the early 80s. They were told:
1: You are an example to the congo.
2: If you hear a dirty joke and find it funny you must not laugh or show it is funny.
3: Even if you have not had time to pre study the witchtower for Sunday, put marks on the paragraph, so people looking will not think you are slacking.
Teaching hypocrisy to my mind.
All right on! Don't forget to meditate!
New Worldly Translation
me and my brother used to try and make each other laugh at the hall by drawing stupid pictures etc. One time I got his watchtower that he hadn't studied and highlighted words in each paragraph to make funny sentences. The one that made him lol at the hall was 'jehovah has eyes like a sheep'. Everyone turned round to see what was going on.
Hamsterbait, that is so true. The pioneers, and the elders and ministerial servants too, are all an example to everyone else. What is REAL is not important, what matters is how things APPEAR.
Let's review: It's a cult!
What the witnesses call "studying" most other people would call indoctrination.
They make-up h-hum I mean write the materia,l they ask the questions, they provide the word for word answers.
Yup, let it be known:
He who writes the book determines the story!
"studying": highlighting the paragraph so you can read your answer using the exact words in the paragraph.