Why terrified of burnt toast? Doesn't everyone have smoke detectors?
Thirty problems only a Canadian would understand
by jgnat 25 Replies latest social humour
At least we know jgnat is not self-admiring, she does not proudly read her own posts. It took her 13 hours to say "oops".
Doesn't everyone have smoke detectors?
I listen for the one in the kitchen to let me know when my food is cooked.
(22) I have a friend named______ in vancouver, do you know them.
I have a friend in California, do you know them. I'm afraid not,
where do they live? San Francisco. Oh, I live in Pasadena about
400 miles from SF........
That's a six hour drive, easily do-able here in Alberta. It took us five hours to drive to Grande Cache.
Edmonton to Vancouver, 13 hours, 1,157 kms (719 miles)
Edmonton to Toronto, 34 hours, 3,474 kms (2,158 miles)
Maybe the smoke detector is terrifying to a Canadian because the alternative is standing barefoot in the snow.
No snow right now. Just hordes of mosquitoes. Really, truly. A cloud around my head trying to follow me in to the house.
We do have problems that are uniquely Canadian..
I got 17 of them..Although..
I could add to the list which would give me a better score!!..LOL!!..
My friend from Grande Prairie got better cell reception in the hinterlands of India than he does back home!
LOL I relate to all of them.
The burnt toast reference is to an old "Heritage Canada" TV commercial highlighting a Canadian doctor who was the first to map the brain.
Aaah! Learn something new every day.