JEhovah's Witnesses Governing Body member David Splane and his Brother
by Watchtower-Free 13 Replies latest social humour
I like the ladies, Linda and al, do pole dancing as the sign says. good excersise. oh,
it's the male pole dancing. thats ok too. and what does the belt buckle on R Splane's say? the rainbow coalition?
Male Pole dancing and a 'RAINBOW' belt buckle? Someone is very clever. Ha ha ha ha ha...........
St George of England
It's not his brother, it's his clone!
Look at his 'hair' and the marks on his forehead.
Thank goodness for Photoshop!
Is the photo for real? Not photoshopped is it? If its real, what's with the posing outside male pole dancing establishment?
The picture is confusing, because like the basement scene in the nov. wt, the leader should wear a tie, in this ensemble, the true david does not.
the rest is spoof,
we have the proof.
The second head has not been photoshopped onto the body correctly. I bleeds right over the shirt collar.
The Spleen and a The Spleen impersonator.
Most superheroes have their imitators
but the belt looks better than the one of the beer-bellied elder in the november basement scene.
Heads of state are known to keep doubles, doppelgaengers, around to foil assination attempts and free the originals for more pole dancing time.
Just for laughs, splane roasting. if you think pole dancing is funny, How about male ballet? MALE BALLET
look at the "Hmm moment that --TTAT, thread, post 34 by Silvief, last line, David Splane badly translated from french,
He sounds actually very good in French with his slightly hoarse voice.