@JW gone bad - I agree with your list in that 1 and 2 are one and the same in most JW's minds. Also I'd change 4 to "a dull yet inexplicably popular collection of old mystical writings" and 5 to "the most interesting fictional character from the second part of said book"
will the jw logo become a flag?
by losingit 25 Replies latest jw friends
Reading back my above comment it occurred to me that the Bible could perhaps be described as a Middle Eastern Lord of the Rings with Jesus as it's Gollum/Smeagol character.
“The Trinity of Modern JWS:
Jehovah, the Father
GB, the Son
JW.ORG , the Holy Spirit”
Actually, I believe that your list would really be accurate if you were to switch the places of the words “Jehovah” and “GB.” It should read as follows:
“The Trinity of Modern JWS:
GB, the Lofty Undisputed Father
Jehovah , the Sock-puppet Son [who does what he’s told by the Lofty Undisputed Father, the GB]
JW.ORG , the Holy Spirit”
SAHS-- I say, with regards to your revised list and my list, time will further define the Holy Trinity of Modern JWs... just as that fun fact mentioned previously took a century for early Christians to develop and accept.
JW GoneBad
More evidence that Jesus Christ and God's Holy Word the Bible have taken a back seat in WT world can been seen in the tract distribution taking place this month among JWs.
You'd expect featured on the front page of this 100 year memorial tract... the Bible, an illustration of Jesus Christ or something as sacred!
But no, instead you find prominently illustrated on the front cover an item that is designed and manufactured in Satan's world.....an electronic device! A device that can just as easily direct a person to the most sleazy and wicked web sites at the click of a button.
“JW GoneBad”: “You'd expect featured on the front page of this 100 year memorial tract... the Bible, an illustration of Jesus Christ or something as sacred!”
Now there’s a good point! It only goes to show just how much the WTS has in reality strayed from both those things – the Bible and Jesus Christ. I’m surprised they haven’t prominently put photo portraits of the current members of the GB on that new memorial tract. They would much sooner feature photos of Microsoft president Bill Gates or the late Apple president Steve Jobs than they would that old bearded dude – what was his name again, . . . . oh ya, our Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ!