Tax them, expose them. I don't care who you are--if you are a parasite to mankind, you deserve to be exterminated and cut off. Whether it be a race, religion, nation, company--anyone that lives by lying to everyone, swindling them out of everything, hijacking every other country in the world, subverting the justice system of every country in the world, spreading communism, and enslaving people, they deserve to have all their gains taxed at 100%. Perhaps if the Rothschilds were taxed at 100% of their income and their wealth confiscated, we could have prevented the mayhem of all the wars, hyperinflations, and companies having trouble hiring deserving workers. If the Rockefellers would have had 100% of their income taxed away, we might be spared the medical run-arounds and energy crises (and pollution, diseducation, and so on) we have now.
And suppose the vatican were raided and taxed at 100% of their income. All religions that swindle people into donating all their wealth to the leaders while doing "Poverty is a virtue" workings would also be taxed at 100% of their income. Would there have even been an inquisition had the vatican been taxed out of existence at the beginning?