Years ago, when I was studying with the Witnesses, my Bible Studty conductor's sister in Ohio died. Of cancer as I recall. So he flew back to Ohio ( from San Diego ) to be with his family . That night when I went to the meeting at the KH, announcements were made. I expected there to be some mention that his sister had passed away. But not a thing was said. Later, I asked an Elder why there was no mention of the sisters death. The elder replied: 'Oh, she wasn't a Jehovah's Witness anyway'. That comment, among quite a few others, is what turned me away from being a Witness. It seems that JWs really don't have much emotional sympathy regarding a person's death, unless that person was a Witness. They seem cold-hearted unless it's a Witness. Same when they hear about natural disasters. They say: 'I hope no Witnesses were harmed'. Has anyone else heard similar comments from JWs??
'She wasn't a Jehovah's Witness anyway...'
by NAVYTOWN 25 Replies latest jw friends
Captain Obvious
Why should they?
Witnesses eagerly await the slaughter of EVERY human on earth who isnt an active, true believing witness. No time for empathy
Navytown you ask if anyone else has heard a Dub make similar comments as to whether someone who died was a JW, where do I begin with how many instances I (and everyone else hear I'm sure) has heard that.
I'll share the Sept 11 story with you, a sister who used to be my hairdresser told me the next week after it happened when I had a appt with her, we started talking about the events of that day and she said "it's been confirmed that 8 JWs were in the Towers and lost their lives". Well, I don't know how accurate she was but, ummm, no sympathy for the other thousand of folks, just the blind followers of seven old guys in Brooklyn.
And yeah, one of the main reasons I don't go to her anymore is I couldn't take hearing her JW customers talking about how the JWs are such a busy people, and discussing who goes to this Cong now and who has talk coming up and all that !
Band on the Run
My father's older sister was faced raising eleven siblings when her mom died. She married at 16 at the earliest opportunity. They were coal miners. He died from TB at twenty. My father left Bethel for the funeral. Mining towns have great social networks. The whole town was grieving at the loss. He said "Let the dead. Bury the dead." He took some WTs and Awake and went door to door.
My uncle gave my father's funeral talk. They were close friends at Bethel who married sisters in NJ. He said less than three sentences about my father. I never heard that I existed. My father's adventures at Bethel were not mentioned. Strangers were shocked. I cried. As I recall, he said my father's name and just launched into the garbage.
My mother heard that her grandson and his wife had a baby. She commented that it was too bad, because the child would just die at Armageddon anyway. I was astounded. How could the birth of a child be anything but a happy event? It illustrates how a normal human emotion (joy at the birth of a child) could be turned off due to cult mind control.
A woman who was a study received a call from her family at the Sunday meeting that her brother, who was in the hospital, very ill, has passed. She went to the restroom to cry, and the ignorant woman who had studied with me was disgusted. She said " they could have waited until AFTER the meeting was over to tell her"! She was such a stupid woman.
Apparently when you belong to most loving, happy group of people on earth you evolve
into a superior being, that has no need for fellow feeling.
It's actually one of the perks of being a witness you never have to worry about causing
your mascara to bleed because of crying over other people.
When a witness falls short of their expectations as to what they should be ," Oh they wern`t really a witness anyway "
When the same thing is pointed out to them about a "christian" , its evidence they dont have the truth .
I had been invited to dinner by dubs. Only the day before a very dear colleague(non witless) had been killed when a truck crushed her and her unborn baby in the car. I said what had happened.....
"Do you think the potaoes are ready yet?" END.
Sure, we have.
Soon, God is going to murder every evil person who rejects the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witness AKA the 'faithful and discreet slave' so why should Jehovah's Witnesses feel emathy for any nonJW who dies, either from natural causes, disasters or as a victim of crime.
They all worship satan if they aren't Jehovah's Witnesses so f&%k 'em.