pretty much like faithful Catholucs feel when the Pope looks at them and blesses them or a fan feels when their hero signs their name or allows a selfie to be taken.
Is that anything like what the priest says to the altar boys?
by Apognophos 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
pretty much like faithful Catholucs feel when the Pope looks at them and blesses them or a fan feels when their hero signs their name or allows a selfie to be taken.
Is that anything like what the priest says to the altar boys?
As a GB member looks out at the crowd hanging on to his every celebrity word, he sees, not faces, but $$$$$$$$$$$$$
Therefroe his words are entirely sincere, he does love them all very much.
Apognopos: This brought to mind a talk I heard at the last RC. Brother Splane gave a talk about youths, and he emphatically, at least once, said a phrase like, "We love all you children very much."
I just saw this on another thread:
never a jw (Post 622): Now that the numbers are dwindling, there is no question that a major target for the GB is children. Almost from the very beginning of the speech, in minute 6:15 of the second hour, G.L. thanks people for bringing their children, thanks children for being there, mentions that Jehovah and Jesus are happy for children being there. Then he cites the Bible regarding how Jesus asks to let children approach him because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to those that are like children (Mark 10:14), then he says "Jehovah loves children, the Governing Body loves children too"
That's two different GB members saying the GB loves children. So is this a planned, deliberate ploy by the GB to focus on keeping young ones in their grips since they seem to be losing momentum in gaining new members?
Actions speak louder than words.........
local jws would bump into me and say they missed me, yet not a phone call, a card, an e-mail, a letter....
or worse yet they would tell a family to tell me that they missed me, often......but never contact me
Blondie, you are so right...I'm sure most of us have experienced this "caring" attitude.
A few years ago I was quite ill. I didn't have the energy to attend meetings (not that I wanted to) or to have visitors, but told the eldubs to please share my email address so the friends could keep in touch. My adult child would come from meetings and tell me this one and that one said to say "hi". And how many emails did I receive over the course of a few months? One, from one eldub who never asked how I was feeling, but told me I was obviously in need of a shepherding call and I needed to make arrangements with them.
Guess he's still waiting on me to answer...
I went to a convention and William Shatner was there. I thought, " I like that guy, it would be really cool to meet him. He made some hilarious records." Then I realized that it cost $50 to wait in line and get an autograph. I decided that a long distance look was enough for me. Then I saw Will Wheaton walk past me. I thought," big deal.."
Maybe it's just me, but I am not impressed by celeb status. The GB signing bibles and taking their pictures with lowly dubs impresses me even less. Is that wrong??
This Is all about their celeb status.rank and file are supposed to feel blessed when such a high placed man say That they,représentatives of god,love us, humble servants...makes me think about french médiéval time, when the lord of a territory gave his servants his blessing.
as i told my wife: I do not know those guys, they live thousands of miles away from me, so why should i care if they love me or not? Reminds me of the Pope....but oh wait! JW are better because they are the unique true religion...
Any time they say the gb thinks something jointly as a group makes me think of the Borg. The gb members are individuals, not clones. Or are they?
And then, what's this with, "We love you all"? How is that possible? You can't love someone you never met or don't even know exists. Creepy, deity-like.
The GB signing bibles
I was never impressed with their rank and or title. There was no reason to be. They are simple humans like you and I. It's bad enough to see folks go gaga over the CO. Whatever love they had I never personally felt .