I've just checked out that picture, it could be the injured mans own hand that is near his crotch?
Today's Watchtower study. Good example of "talk is cheap."
by stillin 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Island Man
If we were to retell the story of the neighborly Samaritan with modern day application to JWs it would go something like this:
“A certain Catholic tourist was going down from Vatican city to Rome and fell among robbers, who both stripped him and inflicted blows, and went off, leaving him half-dead. Now, by coincidence, a certain pioneer was going down over that road, but, when he saw him, he went by on the opposite side, for he thought the man was drunk or high on drugs - why else would a "worldly" person be lying in the street? Likewise, an Elder also, when he got down to the place and saw him, went by on the opposite side.
But another JW, a member of the disaster relief committee, was also traveling the road and came upon him and, at seeing him, he saw a golden opportunity. So he approached him and, making it a point to identify himself as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, he handed him a tract and told him about jw.org. He told him that God's kingdom will solve all mankind's problems such as victimization by criminals such as the man just experienced.
"Please! Can you take me to the hospital?" the man pleaded in agony. The JW asked him: "Do you have traveller's insurance?" The man mumbled: "yes." At this the JW said: "Ok, let me take you to my car. Hmm..hmm...many who have benefited from the loving assistance provided by Jehovah's Witnesses in time of disaster, have chosen to show their gratitude by donating their insurance money to the organization. You are a grateful person, aren't you sir?"
Then, after reaching into his trunk and removing an old sheet which he spread over his backseat to ensure the man's blood does not soil his car, he put him in his car and brought him to the hospital. And the next day the JW came back to the hospital to remind the man that his (the JW's) actions prove that JWs are true christians who show genuine love for neighbor. Then he added: "Many sincere individuals who have experienced this love in time of disaster have been moved by gratitude to donate their insurance money to the organization. I am sure you're very grateful for the help you received, aren't you sir?"
Whoops wrong thread
88JM. Where's the right thread?
I've just checked out that picture, it could be the injured mans own hand that is near his crotch?
So it'll be a WT lesson covering superficial kindness and masterbation? Great! I guess with fewer issues and fewer pages, WT has to cover as many topics as possible in each lesson.
It pissed me off that the watchtower glossed over the "Who is my neighbor?" question. All they do is pretty much quote the scripture without any application. I don't know how anyone can read that parable and not think, "What about disfellowshipped ones?" How can you love DF ones while shunning them? Those 2 don't go together at all. I couldn't stomach the rest of the study. Stupid lemmings...
You're right tidalbitz,
How can you "love your enemy" and shun them? Even more interesting, is that DFing announcement has changed to "John Doe is no longer a Jehovah's Witness"
Ummmmmmm, how are we supposed to treat EVERYONE that is not a Jehovah's Witness??
Love your neighbor, right?
Jehovah's Witnesses possess brains of mush.