Yes, it is far more common than you'd ever imagine.
Among the disfellowshipped there appears to be a tacit hierarchy of sinfulness. Those kicked out for addictions have mental health diagnoses on their side. For example, Alcohol Dependence, Alcohol Abuse, etc, next are the White Collar Crimes - allegations or convictions for embezzlement, fraud, next in order of increased sinfulness are the sexual sins, fornication, adultery, homosexuality and the very worst of all? Apostasy - because you not only sin in Jehovah's eyes but willfully repudiate His spirit -guided organization.
When I was disfellowshipped, a young woman in my congregztion was disfellowshipped for living with another woman. When I said Hi to her when she passed me in the street one day, she turned on me, declaring me to be "evil" for questioning the organization's claims. I was absolutely stunned - but upon reflection shouldn't have been. Many people who are disfellowshipped, continue to believe it's the truth and harbor notions of going back one day. It's a way to cope, to have your "sin" and have the hope of surviving Armageddon too.
In my view, this hedging-one's-bets duplicity is one if the worst "sins" : Seemingly speaking out against apostasy whilst embracing worldly sins - and deluding oneself into being "better" than other disfellowshipped persons.