The entire concept of animal homosexuality being compared with human homosexuality when plain old regular animal sex and human sex are not very analgous in a variety of meaningful a bit of a slippery slope no?
How do BACs and JWs explain animals that practice "homosexual" activities?
by booker-t 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
What would they say about the "Two-Spirit" people of Native American tribes??
My two female dogs hump one another's a form of masturbation. (Horrors!!!). My little Male Yorkie loves to hump my blanket every night. While this horrifies some dog owners, I view it as perfectly natural. They have sexual urges just like humans do. By the way, all three of my dogs have been neutered. I wonder what dog-owning JWs do when their dogs hump. I would love to be a fly on that wall. Probably pets will soon be banned by the GB because the horny pets might influence the rank & file members to masturbate just because it feels good.
I see a new Awake article coming... " Horny pets, are they for Christians?"
That is really a sign of Dominance, my vet told me. OMG. Dominance could be natural.
There are no homosexual animals. They are just being very naughty.
Very naughty steve, when it's one of my JW aunt's hairy legs that becomes the object of Maxie's desires......
With many animals havinga very narrow time-frame to their female reproductive cycle, there is a lot of hormonal frustration for the males.
Some dogs even are into attempted trvertse bestiality with my outstretched legs.
trying to sow wild oats wherever, whenever.
Take a look at this video. It is part of a one hour program on animal homosexual behaviour. Other portions of it are also available on youtube
BACs would vary widely in their views depending especially on whether they are SBNR or RBNS.
For an aternative BAC perspective: