I now have a law degree!

by digderidoo 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • digderidoo

    Hi guys, I don't really post on here much anymore, having been on here since 2001. This site helped me out in the early days and has been a great support system for all of my past JW issues.

    Like many others I was discouraged from an education so that I could window clean and pioneer in my youth during the 80's. Having spent many years post my JW exit in alcoholism and periods of drugs, I decided to clean myself up 7 years ago by attending AA, I was still a window cleaner ... at the time I wrote extensively on here about my issues. I am now over 4 years sober and longer clean from drugs.

    I decided in my late 30's to get a degree, I have now this month graduated with a 2.1(hons) in my mid 40's. Since getting sober I have done some teaching in schools, done work for Universities and the Law Society, I have also set up projects across prisons to help with addiction and alcoholism.

    It's never too late to start studying and gain back those years we lost. It's not been an easy journey, if it was everyone would be doing it, but getting an education has been rewarding. It has taught me to think critically and been rewarded along the way from gaining the knowledge and seeing a bigger picture of the world.

    I have been accepted onto a Masters and the goal is to achieve a PhD in law by the time I'm 50.

    The world really is your oyster to be lived and loved.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    WOW that's so good!! Well done. Your happiness shines through in your writing.

    I take it from your name you are Australian? I am too :)

  • digderidoo

    Hi Julia, I'm from the UK. I chose the name during a hippy phase, as I loved the instrument. I spelt it wrong though

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Yeah but who would know?

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Many Congratulations to you! You are proof that life goes on and can get so much better....reach for the stars!!

  • brinjen


    Attending University myself. In my first year of gaining my Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts. Probably will do the Honors year as I'm jst loving it so far. Get to spend my days either producing art or discussing the greats that I adimire so much. I finally feel that I can make my own unique mark on the world.

    **clinks glasses with digderidoo**

  • Phizzy

    Well done ! and I hope your Masters goes well, a good Tutor is helpful, I hope you get a good one, seeing as you will have so much to do with that person during the time.

    Do you have further plans to use your new skills ?

    There are plenty of injustices to fight in U.K Society if you feel inclined.

    One inquitous one is the law that puts many of our young people wrongly in Jail, and thence carrying a Crim. Record, for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time, when someone else commited an offence.

  • DJS


    Excellent!!! I'm proud of you. My post-Borg education experience is similar.

  • digderidoo

    Thanks Pams girl.

    Brinjen, that's fantastic! I have always had an appreciation for art, you must tour some of the art galleries in Europe, I love Barcelona for the art there.

    "Do you have further plans to use your new skills ?

    There are plenty of injustices to fight in U.K Society if you feel inclined.

    One inquitous one is the law that puts many of our young people wrongly in Jail, and thence carrying a Crim. Record, for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time, when someone else commited an offence."

    Thanks Phizzy, it's International Criminal Law that I am going onto to study. I have done some work already in the field of human rights, particularly with reference for lobbying countries who have breached international law by oppressing or imprisoning human rights lawyers.

    I agree that the law around joint enterprise needs reform, that law has always been part of the common law of England, but in more recent years the police have used it for what has been criticised as a way of improving their conviction rate statistics. There is a need for the law, when a group together commits a crime, but it certainly is need of reform. That aspect of law is not something that I have expertise in, but the law is so vast, there are others areas, particularly around International law and human rights that I would like to further my interests in.

  • digderidoo

    Thank DJS, it's great that we now have the freedom to create our own path in my life. Many congratulations to you.

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