2014 SNAP Conference Report
Posted on August 20, 2014 by Barbara
From August 1 – 3, Kerry Louderback Wood* and I attended the 2014 Annual SNAP** Conference, which was also its Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Celebration, in Chicago, Illinois.
This organization was founded in 1988 as a self-help support group for those who were sexually violated, primarily by Catholic clergy. Early on, SNAP founders learned that church officials were more interested in protecting predators and their reputations, not in helping victims, just like the officials of Jehovah’s Witnesses were and are still doing.
Why This Undertaking
Our mission in attending the SNAP Conference was to bring greater attention to the plight of Jehovah’s Witness (JW) survivors of child sexual abuse primarily committed by elders and ministerial servants—the clergy of Jehovah’s Witnesses—and to inform the public how this religion’s beliefs inadvertently protect Witness pedophiles.
READ MORE... http://watchtowerdocuments.org/2014-snap-conference-report/#more-3145