Jam, people who murder in the name of god or commit any other heinous act in god's name are blind. True, they themselves may believe that they are acting as "god's representative" but it only shows how sick they are. I think people should be fed up with religious wars or any other ideology that motivates people to hurt others.
I know there is NO GOD
by jam 61 Replies latest social humour
Sure the world is better in certain respect, but for
over 6000-7000 years(what ever you believe) the world is
still a dangerous place, more then enough time for GOD to set
matters straight.
Jam, it isn't up to an outside force (such as a god) to set matters straight. It is up to us as humans living on the earth. We've been given free will to learn if we decide to destroy our planet then no one is going to stop us. I think we've received teachings that resonate with something within us to guide us to view all other humans as brothers but this is a very difficult lesson to learn as human history points out.
The question I have been wondering is Isn't God's heart hurting at what he (SUPPOSEDLY) sees on a global scale every minute of every day? How many more murders, rapes, human atrocities can continue.
When you see those kids being rescued on a helicopter from ISIS the fear on those kids face is just so sad & heart wrenching. The first thing I said to myself is "WHERE IS GOD" I mean that is who is suppose to fix ALL PROBLEMS! SOMEDAY
willmarite: I can not see us humans setting matters straight until
there is no more religion. I know this sounds odd but what is the main
division of mankind, religion..If we (earth) under one religion, which one
would it be?????
I agree that religion has been often a force for division. But the real obstacle is not religion but extremism. In past centuries extremism was often found in religion and still is today to a degree. Extremism however can be found in all kinds of ideologies.
If religion were to end tomorrow we would still have extemists. Mankind is beginning to mature and realize there is no one true religion. Of course not all have realized this as the op ed pointed out. We also need to let go of other extremist view points.
Island Man
" But the real obstacle is not religion but extremism"
But religion IS extremism! Religion is an inherently extreme behavior.
Believing in supernatural entities without evidence, and letting such beliefs dictate the way you live, IS extremism!
Closing your eyes and speaking to an imaginary person IS extremism!
Thinking that your fellow human will be tormented forever in a mythical hellfire or face a brutal death at a future armageddon, simply because he does not share your beliefs or your sexual persuasion, IS extremism!
Giving up your chance of a happy marriage to the person you truly love just because they happen to be of another religion, IS extremism!
Religion is formal, institutionalized make-believe and superstition.
Adults playing make-believe and having imaginary friends IS extremism!
So we have a nice little dilemma, if you are a believer God will set
matters straight, when, we have no idea it my take thousands of
years and many lives lost needlessly. I guest to prove we can not live
without his rulership. If you are not a believer and no more religion and
extremism continue we are still screwed.
My belief, we will become extinct, end of story....There is no one up
there that gives a damn about us..
I guess we disagee island man. Religion most certainly can be extremist but doesn't have to be. Do you believe the kind methodist man down the street to be an extremist?
Alleging that all who believe in a higher power are extremists is in of itself an extremist viewpoint. However I agree that blindly following orders from religious leaders is extremist.
Island man...well said!