We are supposed to have a new CO effective this September. What do you think about the guy that left?
Are sad to see your CO go?
by Quarterback 13 Replies latest jw friends
Old Goat
We haven't had a good circuit overseer since 1968.
One of our recent COs was a very meek, humble man. He was also old, sickly, and being completely used up by the Society until there was nothing left. I guess he's getting a mandatory retirement now; hopefully he's going to have some support in his old age. I know he perpetuated a harmful system as elder and CO, but it's hard not to feel sorry for someone who's spent their life in service to the Society and has no other options but to just keep chugging on, slower and slower, hoping Armageddon will come soon.
A CIrcuit Overseer I met in San Diego years ago openly admitted that if he had children he would likely be charged with child abuse. He said it openly and proudly in front of me. I was a Study at the time, not even a full Witness. This was another thing that caused me to see behind the 'loving facade' of the Organization. I wish I could recall his name. What a pompous, sick bastard he was!! That's when I realized that Circuit Overseers were just glorified nobodies with zero real spirituality. Please tell your CO to piss off!!!! Then walk out for good!
The one we have now, I briefly met in Chicago back in the mid 70's. I seldom forget people I meet, the name is another thing, I can't remember mine now and then. This guys comes across as kind and caring, behind closed doors, his true personally jumps right out, hard line, hard ass!
A couple of years in the borg, and we (wife and I) became
good friends with a brother that was appointed a CO.
We served in the missionary work together, of course he
was assigned by GB, we were ask by him.
One day in service we were talking about the anointed.
Remember I was still new in the borg, so I thought having
a anointed sister in the borg was a big deal.LOL
In so many words he told me my sister was a nut, if she
was of the anointed he could walk on water.
I thought that was rude. LOL
The sad thing I never told my sister because she respected the man.
She worship this guy...We parted ways after returning from
serving in that country...
The last ones were alright. I sometimes how such nice people could stomach some of the stuff they see.
I hate the new ones. Some are such Green horns, that have something to prove.
I havent met one yet that doesnt have a dual personality. Really nice when in public and up on the platform but a real prick at elders meetings and with the brothers one on one.
@jam.... Hi, where did you serve as a missionary ig I may ask?
fulano ex-missionary
same as Old Goat the best CO's are long long dead, our best were Phillip North and Dennis Ashby