Laika, I remember your experience on another thread. I meant to ask you more about it when we went out. Remind me tomorrow. It's really what got me thinking about it. Kate xx
Satan and the demons, ghosts, spirits, fortune tellers. Are they real?
by KateWild 84 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
wow, this is bat-shit crazy stuff. Can't believe anyone that is *educated* buys into this crap.
That says so much for a university education. NOT!
I have an antiques business, so I am buying things from estate sales, garage sales and flea markets on a daily basis. According to JW lore, I should have had multiple demon attacks by now, but nothing.
I did recently get my fortune done via tarot cards as a lark. I was a bit surprised at how accurate it was, but in retrospect, they could have simply been responding to my answers. For example, they pulled the luxury card, and asked me did I have luxury in my life. Well who doesn't, in some way? I think people try to make it fit them. If you are poor, that could be that you wish to have luxury. So either way they are right.
There was more, nine out of ten were right on. She asked if I knitted, but I don't. She then said that she saw me doing lots of different crafts, which was very true, but a lot of women do crafts.
It was an interesting experience, and I actually felt I got some good advice, but I still don't believe in spirits or anything like that.
Kate: I can assure you I never give any wt dogma brain-space. They hide being a satanic force themselves by craftily being 'open' about satanism. My response came as a born-again Christian and any one of us would word it pretty much the same as I did.
Cofty: Irrelevant - if anyone wants to deny satan and the demons, that's up to them.
I believe, as did Jesus, that the Pharisees (apostate ruling religious clergy class) are sons of the Devil who channel his evil influence and ideas as evidenced by the relentless and pervasive dysfunction in fundamentalist and sectarian groups like the Watchtower.
On that basis every single one of us has heard the voice of the Devil, and spoken to him, albeit unknowingly.
Now that the spiritual father of the Watchtower has been outed for me, it would make my stomach churn, to sit passively through one of his 2-hour propaganda sessions.