Serious problems with Gospel of John, and his Revelation

by Pinku 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    crazyguy good one. The writer used the contradiction to drop the hint that "the foregoing is bunk". dont take it seriously. and

    all readers are still waiting. many generations of anointed readers have overlapped after lapping it up.

  • metatron

    The "bad Greek" problem of Revelation gets brushed off out of a sense of piety and attempts to avoid criticizing a 'holy' book. The difference between the Gospel of John and Revelation may suggest that he had a poor command of the language and later, improved his ability.

    It's amazing how 'human' the Bible actually is but it gets hidden.


  • 1009

    Imagine yourself a very old man, exiled to the desolate island Patmos. No wonder he went crazy!

    I've actually visited Patmos some years ago. It's a nice little Greek island. According to the legend John received his revelations in a cave (with sea view).

    Reading Revelation you should keep in mind that John was on that little island: there are a lot of reference to the sea in Revelation.

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    I think Revelation is the first book of the NT written but not that last half. Only 6-11. It deals with events in the 59-73CE time of Jerusalem's destruction. Note Jesus is hardly mentioned in those chapters..

    Later in the 90s it might have had the beginning added and 12-16 added. The writer John of Patmos for all we know could have been the rebelious Jewish leader John in the Jewish war but this can't be concluded for sure. Whoever it was it was horrble greek. 17-22 are almost in the late second century from the kings list.

    The Gospel of John is dependant on the Gospel of Pontius Pilate and the Gospel of Nicodemus which places John in the 100-120CE area. The other gospels came after the first being the pre-Lukan version by Marcion in 140

  • Pinku


    Thank you for that link, very informative, and insightful.

  • Pinku

    Bart Belteshassur

    When God inspires something to be written, he would accomplish the purpose (communication of ideas) in the most masterful way--it would not require any scholars to interpret it for the readers to understand it. Anything that requires the help of a human interpreter is not from God.--Mathew 11:29, 30

  • Pinku


    Why did you choose your name crazy? You speak wisdom!

    You point is very weighy, insightful.

  • kaik

    There are research done on analysis of Revelation claiming that it was written during the Jewish Revolt, other before that or after. Some scholars also claim that Revelation was written in batches over the years by more than one author, where first a few chapters were written before 66AD and other were added 20-30 years later. I had read several of these cases without having any persuasive opinion on which view is correct. I read E. Pagels book as well. I got always feeling that author of Revelation was against Paul base on Rev 2:2: " I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. "

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