Well, aren't you a charming little Witness....
by Yizuman 12 Replies latest jw friends
Yes because annoying people on a Saturday morning will most definitely help in finding the cure for ALS.
So stupid.... They could be actually feeding the homeless or at a food bank NOT wasting their three hours on Saturdays.
Why doesn't he just do both if his religion is concerned? It's not like taking time to pour water on yourself, which lasts less than a minute, will take away precious time from field service. He could have donated money or raised awareness, and preached, not like it's hard to do.
Dubs don't lift a finger to actually HELP anyone...even their fellow dubs.
That part of their emotional brain has been wired shut by the bOrg.
ALS is a medical condition, how exactly does preaching fight ALS?
Kate xx
Amelia Ashton
I filmed my daughter doing the ice bucket challenge
When I was last in years ago face book was banned......... how things have changed!!
ALS is a medical condition, how exactly does preaching fight ALS?
Kate, haven't you heard? Preaching fixes everything. It's the best alternative to actually doing something.
Preaching also cures AIDS, cancer, hunger in Africa, disease, crime and war. That's why the world no longer has any of those things...
Nonsense, ALS is a motor neuron disease. The nuerons in the brain that are responsible for movement stop working properly and eventually end in paralysis and death. There is a lot of research into this disease and money being raised to find a cure. All theses people are fighting ALS. Not preaching.
Lol ADCMS....I know you were just being facetious
Kate xx