So what was Microsoft thinking with Win 8?

by TD 22 Replies latest social entertainment

  • hamsterbait

    my nice shiny new iMac rocks, so does my iPad Air, and iPhone5. Will never ever go back to Microsoft PCs

  • Oubliette

    I just bought a new laptop because I had to (long story). It came with Windows 8 preloaded.

    God, I hate this OS.

  • Finkelstein

    I tried Win.8 and didn't like it so I went back to Win. 7


    I think where Microsoft went wrong is they should have left Win.8 as a desktop OS something that is more suitable as a non-touch screen computer interface.

    The heads at MS thought the next evolution in user computer interface would be that everyone would gravitate to a touch screen computing, which realistically was way off base.

    The popularity of Tablets and their OS is most likely where MS got this idea.

    Lets see what Win 9 brings in, will find out whether MS listened to the complaints concerning Win 8 or not.

  • hamsterbait

    The simple fact that Microsoft needs to keep on advertising advertising advertising the new incarnation of Windows speaks volumes.

    Apple doesnt need this saturation bombing....

  • Fernando

    "For heaven's sake, how many times do we have to keep shooting ourselves in the foot, until our dumb/lazy customers wake up and smell Android, Apple or just anything else?"

  • Heaven

    I'm still on Win 7. Sounds like I'll pass on Win 8.

  • Fernando

    #1 – Steve Ballmer, Microsoft. Without a doubt, Mr. Ballmer is the worst CEO of a large publicly traded American company today. Not only has he singlehandedly steered Microsoft out of some of the fastest growing and most lucrative tech markets (mobile music, handsets and tablets) but in the process he has sacrificed the growth and profits of not only his company but “ecosystem” companies such as Dell, Hewlett Packard and even Nokia. The reach of his bad leadership has extended far beyond Microsoft when it comes to destroying shareholder value – and jobs.


    (BTW Steve Ballmer was Microsoft CEO for 14 years until Feb 2014)

  • Apognophos

    I wouldn't blame Ballmer that much. Microsoft's success as a company has been almost entirely rooted in DOS, Windows, and Office, which were all released by 1985. They've been coasting on that success ever since, in an ever-changing world of technology.

  • ABibleStudent

    I bought a new laptop with Windows 8 in March 2013. I replaced it with a Windows 7 laptop within 24 hrs. At that time it was difficult to find a Windows 7 laptop that I liked, but I did!

    I feel that Microsoft created Windows 8 to increase Ad/software revenue by simulating going through a virtual supermarket checkout line filled with impulsive items to purchase every time someone logs off and on. Since the native Windows 8 interface slows down my productivity, it would have made more sense allowing users to choose which interface to use instead of offering a traditional Windows interface months later if Microsoft was concerned about a users productivity.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Vanderhoven7

    I hate Windows 8

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