Did not Attend Mid-Week Meeting but Felt Good - Strange Feeling?

by ProfCNJ 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • ProfCNJ

    Hi folks. I don't know. The usual feeling for me - when I missed mid-week meetings - is to feel guilty, sad or depressed. It normally involved negative feelings.

    But last night, I found myself just fetching my family from the Kingdom Hall after arriving while the closing song is being sung. Instead of feeling guilty again, I felt good inside. There's a sense of peace and degree of freedom. I told myself "this is quite strange".

    Why is this? Have you experienced the same feeling before? Or because I made up my mind about the continuing indoctrination of the Organization (which I personally know) and that there's spiritual malnourishment in the meetings?

  • oppostate

    I agree, missing a meeting leaves me with a much quiter and peaceful feeling.

    Having to attend once in a while to keep relatives off your back is definitely a chore.

    Having to listen to mind numbing talks and experiences that make you want to scream "B*llsh*t!" is troublesome.

    And having to hold back puking at some of the comments from brain washed publishers is difficult.

    So much nicer to avoid the black void of KH meetings.

  • KateWild

    I know what you mean about feeling good about missing meetings. You know it's all nonsense so it's refreshing to have a break from it all. Kate xx

  • OneEyedJoe

    It's been a long time since I felt guilty for missing a meeting. I think it was about the time that I realized that I hadn't learned anything new or enlightening that wasn't arbitrary "new light" at the meetings since my teens. Since I have a pretty good memory, I didn't feel the need to go and have stuff repeated to me ad nauseum.

    Since learning TTATT, it's gone from being something of a relief the days that I miss to being either a greatly joyous or very frustrating occasion on the days that I miss meetings. Joyous when my wife stays home with me, frustrating otherwise.

  • prologos

    Remember dropping the family off at this summer's RC, took them to their seats.. Then, on the way home I had the strangest quiet, peaceful feeling about the world. As if the promise of Peace at last had been fulfilled, the earth was clean, problem free.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    It's called Relief!

  • fastJehu

    I had the same feeling.

    Also visiting this and other "forbidden" websites. Always feel gulity. Now - I feel good.

    I learned on this website more about the bible as my hole active JW time.

  • ambersun

    Oh yes, I can totally relate with how you feel ProfCNJ. I remember turning up at the end of a Thursday night meeting to collect my mother very early on in my fade and as I heard the final song and prayer, instead of feeling guilty as I had previously felt when missing meetings, I had a wonderful warm feeling of peace and relief wash over me that I had made a stand and not put myself through two hours of WT indoctrination. I think I used the excuse of feeling sick which was quite true as I was sick to death of that religion.

    Edited to say, I don't think my initial guilt was because of missing the meetings, but more to do with worrying my family.

  • jam

    Missing my first assembly was worst, and so happen we

    had a earthquake(CA) that day.LOL

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    I walked away two years ago and I never had one bit of guilt at all. By the time I finished COC I knew it was mostly lies and it was a relief for me to never go back. It was hard enough when I didn't know the real truth sitting there but once I found out everything there is no way I could sit there and listen to any of it.

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