I have a feeling even hard core JWs were seeing that the organization was not appealing to the vast majority of people, growth is stagnant, despite all the hours spent in the ministry. They are grasping at straws in an attempt to seem relevant. Of course they have only changed the window dressing, it's still the same organization and teachings, so I doubt it will make much difference. If you are a modern woman, why would you join a religion that treats you like a second class citizen? If you are a normal person, why would you sign up to get dressed up on Satuurday morning to get doors slammed in your face? They are become more and more out of sync with mainstream society, no website can fix that.
They sure took website worship far
by cookiemaster 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Not even every witness goes to the site daily !
In theory there should be over 20 million hits per day if they are being even half succesful during this campaign!
(8 mill witnesses, then 12 million 'new interest')
Then, that would be something to boast about
I don't think the average person will look twice at these pieces of propaganda, the reason they are getting so frantic in my opinion is to stop already converted JWs from stumbling across other sites.
OMG! They are even carrying buttons that say JW.org for their ties and bookbags. LOL I wonder if they got them from the borg.
I think the promotion of the website is more a direct combat to the volume of searchers that get directed to JWN when searching for Jehovah's Witnesses. It was time for them to get the website functional, but the over-the-top marketing of "jw.org" is just bizarre...all you need to remember is "jw.org." It's like "WWJD." IMHO.
Has anyone noticed the tablets, live feeds, half the magazines original material on the web, the elders reporting things by the site?
The WBTS is becoming and internet religion quickly. The oldies are dying and the younger ones are leaving... the WT is using a last hopeful methoid.
It is truly bizarre as Dagney said. Some are sending their small children to school with homemade pins that say jw.org .
Pete Zahut
It may be just a rumor but I heard it's become a trend among the more "edgy" JW kids to give eachother JW.org tattos and their parents and the Elders are having a hard time disputing it. (kidding)
They are starting to turn into a practicing form of idolatry, there was the proclamation that the GB members are the FDSL alone.
Now the JwOrg. imagery everywhere.
Goes to show how pliable and manipulated people can be when there is deep mental indoctrination that purposely separates
members from nonmembers and institutes guilt and pressure to support the Organization.
I still stand on my assertion that the WTS. will one day drop the Watchtower identity all together.
Too much bullshit lying corruption affiliated with The Watchtower, time for some New Light..