Brother in law thinks I am a pagan Worshipper

by Yondaime 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Yondaime

    Last month I decided to attend the international convention at metlife since my sister's cong was invited so she took me along with my older brother. My sister drove and my older brother sat in the front seat of her SUV. I was in the back seat with the greatest watchtower apologist/loser/eldermole in the universe my BIL.

    They were all chatting away about how this ASSembly filed with regurgitated spiritual stool was a sign of the last days since so many people would be in attendance. I put on my music through my phone and the first song that played on my phone was "My god is the sun" by Queens Of The Stone Age. My BIL looked at my phone and saw the song title, then began to counsel me in the car. My sister then mentioned to him that I had seen them live during the winter, and he went bonkers.

    I explained to him how the song isn't about worshipping a the sun, but the fact that it was showing how little humans on a small planet in an ENORMOUS universe believe the individual/higher-being who created those things only cares about them, and how insignificant we are. He got really upset and said he'd talk to my parents. Later that day he did and my mom and dad just suggested that I delete the song and that was it, they didn't really care. I wish I had told em I was an atheist (I really am) lol. We probably would've gotten into a car accident, nevermind.

    Have any of you guys ever had fanatic/extremist watchtower drone go crazy of something insignificant that you guys did?

  • sarahsmile

    Gee there were so many of them! :-) Parents bought me a troll doll then found out they were banned. Big thing!

  • millie210

    I remember getting in trouble for some of my music.

    I think it was Def Leppard

    Your parents sound cool though. Not too over reactive.

  • Strangelove

    I have to leave all my "Incubus" CD's in the car because my father thinks they are demonic. Even if the subject matter never allowed for such an assumption. The name alone, to him, was offensive. Never heard a song by them in his life, so I don't really know how he could have... Oh who am I kidding, he can find so many insignificant little things that he justify's as wrong. Even though he watches Lord of the Rings, The Demonic Balrog doesn't phase him. Again, who am I kidding. Calling a Wittness a Hypocrit. Alert the media.

    When I left the Troof, I was called a Satan Worshipper. Not quite a Pagan Worshipper. But close enough. Fist Bump.

  • Comatose

    Crazy wacky weirdo's. Stay strong. Just ignore him as much as possible.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    John Lennon was Satan incarnate. My father lectured me, wearing only his undershorts. This was midBeatles. Sgt. Pepper was not released yet. I knew I was going to college the next year. The Beatles were no longer for teenybopper girls. Important musical reviewers who normally write about classical were writing about the immense talent of the Beatles. It surprised me. I kept contrasting my father, mr. nobody, and John Lennon, basking in acclaim from the Establishment now. He kept punctuating in the air. I started to giggle. My mind could just imagine what John Lennon would say if he visited me at home. The sound of his voice in my imagination made me laugh even harder. I kept grabbing my skin and pinching b/c I wanted to live. Sadly, these bozos have power for a short while.


    Queens of the Stone Age are awesome.

    1) Your BIL is an idiot.

    2) Being called a pagan is a compliment.


  • cultBgone

    BOTR, we had a "talent" show (our rural cong used to have big events to entertain during the c.o. visits) and a brother DARED to sing Imagine while he played acoustic guitar. Have to admit, he nailed it! The audience was somewhat horrified, however. I think he was reproved for that and eventually df'd. I wish I could congratulate him now.

  • Daniel1555

    When I was 15 my sister (13) destroyed my Bon Jovi Keep the Faith album as another brother told her Bon Jovi is demonic.

    Now she laughs about how stupid she was at that time. Keep the Faith is still one of my favourite albums.

  • Yondaime

    Thanks For the experiences guys!

    -May the force be with you

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