Last month I decided to attend the international convention at metlife since my sister's cong was invited so she took me along with my older brother. My sister drove and my older brother sat in the front seat of her SUV. I was in the back seat with the greatest watchtower apologist/loser/eldermole in the universe my BIL.
They were all chatting away about how this ASSembly filed with regurgitated spiritual stool was a sign of the last days since so many people would be in attendance. I put on my music through my phone and the first song that played on my phone was "My god is the sun" by Queens Of The Stone Age. My BIL looked at my phone and saw the song title, then began to counsel me in the car. My sister then mentioned to him that I had seen them live during the winter, and he went bonkers.
I explained to him how the song isn't about worshipping a the sun, but the fact that it was showing how little humans on a small planet in an ENORMOUS universe believe the individual/higher-being who created those things only cares about them, and how insignificant we are. He got really upset and said he'd talk to my parents. Later that day he did and my mom and dad just suggested that I delete the song and that was it, they didn't really care. I wish I had told em I was an atheist (I really am) lol. We probably would've gotten into a car accident, nevermind.
Have any of you guys ever had fanatic/extremist watchtower drone go crazy of something insignificant that you guys did?