Want to get JW friends' thoughts on their "new" preaching methods.

by compound complex 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    The subject of JW.ORG and its tentacles reaching everywhere has already been discussed at length; however, JW kith and kin are going gangbusters on social media. I lost it when I saw Da Vinci's most famous lady wearing a JW.ORG button as a brooch. In hand, she had a tract, which I assumed had not yet been perused (she was distracted, apparently, while posing for the real Master).

    My dear and otherwise studious JWs -- many very good at preaching and in human relations -- are obeying WT directives and just handing out the tracts in service and advertising up a storm on the internet.

    I want to ask them personally if they miss the good old days of preaching and teaching . . . the BIBLE! My posing questions online, which I've done a few times, garnered stunned silence (theirs).

    Your observations and thoughts are welcome.



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Your thoughts, please . . .

    Maybe I need a logo.



  • Phizzy

    I asked the question of an Elder I spoke to a couple of weeks ago, did he not see promoting a website as a bit of a dumbing down, he replied that he saw it as a return to the enthusiastic days of Rutherford's "Advertise Advertise Advertise !!" and that the website would advertise the Kingdom.

    I was too polite to say what I thought, that yes, it really was like the early 20's under Rutherford, who had just started his business posing as a religion, so advertising was key.

    I think that the reality that the Site makes no change to the total indifference and lack of interest that the general Public have in things JW will take a while to sink in with the average Dub.

    But when they get back to the drudgery of the normal offer a mag/book or tract work, they will begin to feel the "down" that comes from much frenetic sales activity and effort, but zero results.

  • EmptyInside

    Well,I would think some would justify it and say that some still have their studies and return visits. My Witness family is all excited about this work and jw.org,even watch Caleb and Sophia,and they don't have small children anymore.

    I never liked service,so I liked just leaving tracts. Of course,I'm not doing this compaign.

  • DocHouse

    First, I will never give out tracts about a website.

    Second, it is not a new 'method'- just a temporary work with good intentions.

    Third, if YOU don't preach, you are a hypocrite for playing judge.

  • insidetheKH

    JW.ORG is a smart move.

    Remember they only started with this website in september 2012,.. just two years ago. See the future and it will be.

  • SonoftheTrinity

    Since my favorite line for ages was "I don't want to contribute to deforestation, what's the name of your website?" I guess folks on public transport heard it and it became a convenient refrain.

  • DocHouse

    Fact is, more and more will read from a website than a Bible.

    So the website really helps many.

  • Crazyguy

    The good news as the one going to jw.org becomes interested he or she will then start to research other websites about the JW's and then the gig is up!!

  • DocHouse

    If you SAY so. What GIG are you a part of?


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