All he needed was the internet how many years later! The end is definitely around the corner now. With all the website hits just in the last few weeks how could it not be? Ha! These are some of the comments I am reading on dub instagram accounts. Supposedly they have 3 million hits daily now since their campaing started. What a joke! Deduct my hits from their count. I checked out the website a couple times to see what all the fuss was about.
Good News! Jah is speeding up the work!
by awakenyr2004 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Most of the hits to the site are from apostates. I am guilty of going to the site a few times. In any event, I think all this is in line with the end being very close. I suggest that no one buys any green banannas. There is not enough time before the end begins...
Just because they get 3 million hits a day does not mean nearly that many are staying there.
That is really bad. That means not all 8 million of jehobers chosen race are coming to their Golden Calf website to worship daily. They better shape up, or jehober's anger is really gonna blaze.
Exactly 'tootired2care'!
Not even every witness goes to the site daily !
In theory there should be over 20 million hits per day if they are being even half succesful during this campaign!
(8 mill witnesses, then 12 million 'new interest')
Then, that would be something to boast about!
Man, they know how to spin a tale don't they!
The villain internet is now the hero that will make their panda dreams come true! Praise Jah all you people!
I know Dagney. I was thinking the same thing. The Big Bad Internet is suddenly okay and all Jehovah needed to bring about paradise. I don't get it anymore. How can they not see TTATT?
Its funny, the religious organization to which I have historically claimed loyalty to was led by a Prophet who wanted nothing online associated officially with his organization. A good portion of the members are self promoting, at least in LA, in the entertainment industry so they all have websites or are at least on facebook. We stress education just barely a little more than we stress partying, unfortunately perhaps more than personal morals and are often mistaken for a college fraternity.
This request is honored because he was a Prophet. I think it was his way of having a Secret Society without admitting that it was a secret society, just to see who really cares enough to use snail mail and come in person. He believed in Higher Education but he personally (just a generational thing) didn't like but didn't curse the Internet. Maybe I should go to the Kingdom Hall and rescue those who still think that JW.ORG is wrong and the internet is evil, so that the stupidest of the stupid might be able to join my old congregation and find a spiritual reason to get a college degree to compensate for their stupidity, and get to have a little fun while they're at it.
Its much better to believe that you need to get a masters degree so you can emigrate to a 4th world country and complete the prophecy of the 144,000 in a peaceful humanitarian right good will way, than to knock on doors straight out high school warning of the 144,000 of the Lost Generation coming down from heaven with Jesus to kill everyone who didn't convert. Spiritual backwardness is much worse than technological backwardness.
There is probably some truth to the 3 million daily hits. Hundreds of thousands are engaged in the August campaign and many of them are showing the website several times a day to others, possibly several times during a single visit to someones doorstep.
It would be interesting to see the number of non-witness hits. (Would a "hit" include anytime someone clicked on a link on the website, or does that only count the initial arrival to the site?)