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November 2014 WT - Points out the fact that Knorr supported false teachings.
by objectivetruth 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
From its very beginnings, the editors and writers of The Watchtower have ignored both hermeneutics and exegesis in their approach to the Bible. C.T. Russell had no formal or classical training and his successors have been equally ignorant. So we shouldn't be surprised at all that their writings are riddled with inconsistencies and contradictions. Those Witnesses who have ventured into the fields of biblical research independent of the WTS rapidly discover that Witness theology is spiritually bankrupt. Looking back now I marvel that I could have been so stupid and blind as to accept it as unquestioningly as I did and consider myself very fortunate to have escaped alive and whole.
"brother Knorr, who was a spirit anointed member of the Governing Body, "readily accepted" a false teaching, and a false proclamation of fulfillment of prophecy. -"
Well, Knorr who was born in 1905, was 20 years old in 1925 and HARDLY a member of the GB by then ......................
Yes he wasn't reaching out for the office of president then but some how he was pretty gulible when it came to what was printed in the magzines which gave him a shot at the presidency latter on as he came up the ranks to party boss.
As soon as somebody sees a word like, "interestingly" then know that at some point in the future, 1 year, 20 years, etc, the SAME teaching will be changed with the words, "evidently".
" Pondering over the words of the three men just quoted can help you prove yourself holy by being obedient" - This sentence is the dumbest WT phrase I've ever heard. The writer of this article should have the millions of WT's printed here shoved where the sun don't shine. I never read the scripture in the bible at RutherfordIsanAss 19:25 that says, "Thou shalt be proven holy when thoust ponders over the words of the three false prophets of the WT."
Quendi, I feel your pain, every day I ask "how could I be so stupid?". I don't think I have lower-than-avearage intelligence, so why did I stay in this Cult even when I saw things falling apart? Was it Hell Fire and the Trinity or we were part of the only group saved from 1914's Count Down?
"From its very beginnings, the editors and writers of The Watchtower have ignored both hermeneutics and exegesis in their approach to the Bible. C.T. Russell had no formal or classical training and his successors have been equally ignorant. So we shouldn't be surprised at all that their writings are riddled with inconsistencies and contradictions. Those Witnesses who have ventured into the fields of biblical research independent of the WTS rapidly discover that Witness theology is spiritually bankrupt. Looking back now I marvel that I could have been so stupid and blind as to accept it as unquestioningly as I did and consider myself very fortunate to have escaped alive and whole.
I am researching this right now. If anyone has a printer version of " The Birth of a Nation", I would appreciate it.
There is so much effed up thinking in the 80+ paragraph article that it boggles the mind. It begins with these very telling words, " What is here published is not dogmatically stated.....If there are readers of The Watch Tower who cannot agree with what is here stated, then it is suggested that such calmly and carefully wait upon the Lord, always keeping a pure heart."
As far as WHY the Society chose most of Revelation's numbers to be literal, despite the symbolism throughout, is easy! Paragraph 60 plainly states, " Brother Russel says that the 144,000 is a literal number.-Z 1880-5; Z 1901-94."
If I understand the article correctly, along with BOC's comments, there are two periods of 1,260 days in Revelation. The 1925 WT article mentions this other period as literal and not symbolic. Here is the comment concerning Revelation 12:6:
" If we find that almost all of the numbers of Revelation are properly interpreted as literal, why should we conclude that the days mentioned in the twelfth chapter are symbolic, and stretch them out over so many years? If we find that the physical facts are in harmony with a literal 1260 days, would this not be strong corroborative proof that the Lord intended the number to be taken as literal? "
So who decides if " The Lord" intended for a specific number to be literal or symbolic? Let's hear it from " The Judge" himself:
SOME FACTS ( Subheading)
62) " The Lord has usually used some one or more persons in a representative capacity to point out some important features of his work in connection with his people. . Without seeming egotistical, and not intending to assume too much, we suggest that the officers of the SOCIETY, used of the Lord in a representative capacity may be used to represent his people. The personnel makes no difference. The question is, Does the Lord use them? He must use some one. God sets the members in the Body as it pleaseth him. (1 Corinthians 12:18) When one is set in the Body, that one's personality counts for nothing. It is the office in the Body, or place, that is to be considered, and the representative capacity in which the Lord may use the one in that office or place.
63) Proceeding then upon this theory: ....."
So just sit back, and don't worry about doctrine. To be holy and gain life, you need to just obey. Do this even if you don't understand what is going on. Do this even if a GB member doesn't understand what is going on. Do this even if the WT quotes from old WT magazines which are now defunct. NOTHING has changed! Obey the "theory" of the current GB, God's representatives, and be "holy" in as much as you continue to do just that!
Its sickening sitting there listening to the comments on this article. Its like everyone is trying to one-up each other with GB worship. The resident old-timer elder even made a comment about how knorr saw that a change was needed and instituted the GB! Anyone who's read CoC knows just how false that is! -
"The truth" changes from one issue of the WT to the next, sometimes from one article in a WT to the next...