Dr. Kent Bradly and Dr. Nancy Writebol's healings Prove to me there is a God!

by BucketShopBill 30 Replies latest social humour

  • BucketShopBill

    I get tired of using the argument of "The Mystery of Evil" to attack God but where are we when we see heroic acts of godly courage from great humans like Dr. Kent Bradly and Dr. Nancy Writebols wonderful works of love? Did you listen to Dr. Kent Bradley's concern and loving compassion for West Africa? He's not angry superstitious mobs destroyed several make-shift medical facilities to treat victims of Ebola, no, Dr. Bradly implored the World to "Help Save West Africa". What makes humans risk their life to save a people that could turn on you and slaughter your family in a heart beat? I saw God in his eyes, the good and love Dr. Bradly demonstrated is something we as Jehovah's Witnesses never caught sight of.

    How many JWs do you know left to serve the lame, poor and sick with real help, not peddling magazines and doctrines that will expire in five years. We get mad because we were throughly duped, we got tricked by hucksters and crooks who took our family, money and time. Often we fail to recognize that there is more than one option if "The Watchtower does not have the Truth, God does not exist!". We never had the truth in the first place, its our own fault, we got taken away with their pseudo scholarly works (we thought books like "Babylon the Great", "Evolution", "Revelation" were ahead of Christendom but we were totally wrong!). We have more choices than "Watchtower False equals No God".

    Two medical professionals of the highest moral character risking their lives to save superstitous people, very ignorant and scared and prone to kill what they don't understand. Rumors are spread Ebola is spread by Witchcraft, Curses, the Untited States, ect... Dr. Bradly's interview was beautiful, you could see the grace and love inside him, what make's people like him dedicate themselves to serve the very unfortunate? Love!

    A.N. Wilsons return to Christ after decades of a vocal atheist. From Christian to Atheist to Christian, why, interesting notes from part of the article, he touches on parts humanity wicked agencies like ISIS and ISIL would love to kill but can't, human goodness even when it seems everywhere is darkness.


    “… But religion, once the glow of conversion had worn off, was not a matter of argument alone. It involves the whole person. Therefore I was drawn, over and over again, to the disconcerting recognition that so very many of the people I had most admired and loved, either in life or in books, had been believers. Reading Louis Fischer's Life of Mahatma Gandhi, and following it up with Gandhi's own autobiography, The Story of My Experiments With Truth, I found it impossible not to realise that all life, all being, derives from God, as Gandhi gave his life to demonstrate. Of course, there are arguments that might make you doubt the love of God. But a life like Gandhi's, which was focused on God so deeply, reminded me of all the human qualities that have to be denied if you embrace the bleak, muddled creed of a materialist atheist. It is a bit like trying to assert that music is an aberration, and that although Bach and Beethoven are very impressive, one is better off without a musical sense. Attractive and amusing as David Hume was, did he confront the complexities of human existence as deeply as his contemporary Samuel Johnson, and did I really find him as interesting?”

    “…I haven't mentioned morality, but one thing that finally put the tin hat on any aspirations to be an unbeliever was writing a book about the Wagner family and Nazi Germany, and realising how utterly incoherent were Hitler's neo-Darwinian ravings, and how potent was the opposition, much of it from Christians; paid for, not with clear intellectual victory, but in blood. Read Pastor Bonhoeffer's book Ethics, and ask yourself what sort of mad world is created by those who think that ethics are a purely human construct. Think of Bonhoeffer's serenity before he was hanged, even though he was in love and had everything to look forward to….”


    Christian History Home > News > 2005 > Victorian Skeptics on the Road to Damascus

    Victorian Skeptics on the Road to Damascus
    Former atheist Antony Flew's admission of the existence of God shocked believers and skeptics alike, but such a turnaround is far from unique. In the 19th century, many leading intellectuals who had once lost their faith ended up reconverting.


  • designs

    I support Doctors Without Borders. I don't ask what religion or spiritual path any of those involved have, they just do tremendous work.

    Christianity is a mess historically, philosophically and doctrinally. If someone self declares their Christianity I say- 'Show me your Golden Rule activities', that is all that matters.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Huh? Lots of atheist doctors also do this same kind of thing. How does the fact that a few good Christian doctors are doing such wonderful charitable works prove there's a God?

  • cofty

    I read A N Wilson's article. Dreadful!

    "Hitler's neo-Darwinian ravings". Really?

  • venting

    The work that they do speaks for it self. I'm very pleased that they are healthy again. But I,m always uncomfortable when someone says god did it. So god didn't care about the thousands who died in Africa? I think they are alive because of good doctors and medical science. But I sure could be wrong. venting.

  • Fernando

    When I was still a Watchtower religionist I couldn't fathom how an (white) American couple were able to forgive the young (black) racist African thugs who killed their daughter who had travelled half way around the world to serve and help struggling black communities. This couple then did what their daughter had done. They risked their lives to travel half way around the world, enter the same community, find these thugs, forgive them, love them, educate them, support them, and give them a future and a better vision. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Biehl)

    I also did not comprehend what Nelson Mandela had similarly done and why (movie: Invictus).

    Now that I too have received the free gift of faith, like they had, I understand their seemingly counterintuitive forgiveness and compassion, and see them as my spiritual brothers and sisters, although they were as imperfect as the rest of us.

  • cantleave

    Nothing to do with the supoernatural.

    Thank the Scientific Method .

  • sparky1


  • Laika

    Good story Fernando, faith at its best is when it inspires people to turn ugly things into something beautiful.

    'Beauty will save the world' as Dostoyevsky said.

  • Apognophos

    Altruism has an obvious survival benefit for a tribe, so it's easy to imagine it evolving on its own without a need for a god. Humans are not the only animals which help one another.

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