How Did A Proven "Fake," "Phony" Arrangement ["governing body"] ...Become The "Faithful & Discreet Slave" Arrangement???

by Littleleslie 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BucketShopBill

    Perry, is the Watchtower a Christian religion in your view or a cult following the rules of men? If a cult, does that mean they are doomed because they had the Bible to read but failed to show the qualities Jesus Christ said his followers would display?

    Besides a few wonderful humanitarian JWs, the vast majority are judgemental, (like I am doing now), don't care about the poor or widows, kids without parents, they siphon off the social service programs, many evade taxes, cheat on building projects. Do you think JWs are a Cult created by Satan when Russell used Magic and Numerology back in the 1800s to prove his false dates?

    What of Rutherford using funds to live like a god, JWs are not very nice people (with the exception of a few good ones who practice acts of mercy and love and don't follow man based rules.) from my decades of service.

  • Perry

    Perry, is the Watchtower a Christian religion in your view or a cult following the rules of men? If a cult, does that mean they are doomed because they had the Bible to read but failed to show the qualities Jesus Christ said his followers would display?


    Not a cult for following the "rules of men", but a cult because of the reason why they do it. It is OK to follow the rules of men if you want to, for your own various resaons to suit you. That is biblical Christian Freedom. It is NOT OK to follow rules of men for Salvation from judgment. That is idolatry. Your reasons are everything to God and reveal the nature or quality of your faith.

    However, on your second question: Jehovah's Witnesses aren't doomed because they failed to show Christ's qualities. They are doomed because they fail to have faith in Christ Alone; which failure nullifies the contractural obligation of God to pay the sin debt on your behalf through the blood of his only Son. Personal efforts at righteousness are offensive to God, and only serve to pile up more debt for a person on Judgment Day.

    Romans 4

    4 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.

    5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

    6 Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works,

    7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.

    8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

  • designs

    Perry- Martin Luther, John Calvin et al all started their own version of an Ecclesiastical Regime.

  • Fernando

    Actually, if you will allow, I might suggest that the GB is not a phony arrangement, but a duplicate of the Sanhedrin, and under the same evil power and authority.

    What is false, is claiming that the apostles in Jerusalem operated a GB, and that the WBTS GB is based thereon.

    In the case of the circumcision issue, those in Jerusalem, were not the solution, but the problem (at least initially).

  • designs

    The arguement of a NT GB comes from Paul and Jesus construct- Jesus chose only men as Apostles and Paul set up the Heirarchy arrangement for congregations with himself as chief theologian.

  • Littleleslie

    So then if we know for a fact,

    (a) the term "governing body" is a made-up term (by N. Knorr & F. Franz) taken from the October 15th, 1944 and November 1st, 1944 Watchtower magazines (used some 47 times in them in its first mention).

    See link for details:

    (b) Then, this fact now must be COMPOUNDED with the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses have been trying to figure out exactly who pictures the "Faithful & Discreet Slave" [Matt. 24:45-47] ever since back during Charles Russell days, and still can't get it ...

    (c) and now recently (since July 15th, 2013 Watchtower issue) we learn the "holy spirit" has finally led them to the ridiculous conclusion that the...

    fake"governing body" = Faithful & Discreet Slave???

    ...does not this show the whole "dog & pony show" teaching and all of the "hoopla" about who leads Jehovah's Witnesses is a NONscriptural JOKE?

    Isn't that fact, now quite evident?

    Isn't this clear proof, the JW Organization is NOT led by "holy spirit" ... and it is very easy for anyone to prove it?


  • designs

    Little- so are you of the opinion that there is a correct holy spirit led way for christians to gather and be led.

  • Littleleslie

    Hi Designs:

    Little- so are you of the opinion that there is a correct holy spirit led way for christians to gather and be led.

    Well, I noticed a heading on the top of a bible discussion board that said the following:

    "According to the Bible, Jehovah provided much needed INSPIRED LEADERSHIP in the first century and in ancient times (like in the days of Moses), and yet are we to believe He refuses to see the need of providing it in our day and time? Does this make sense to you? Does this seem consistent to you? (See John 16:13, 14)"

    I agree with that thought, after rambling around with the Watchtower idiots for close to three decades so far, and not getting anywhere.

    I now believe it is going to take INSPIRED leadership from God, to accomplish God's Will in our time. opinion.

    Here is an excellent article written on the same topic found at:

    At the top of this particular bible discussion board, you will see the top heading with the message I mentioned above.

    ...hope this helps.


  • rjharris

    Put yourself in a room of 50 people, for example. Eventually, some among that 50 is going to position themselves in positions of authority over the others; in other words, they will put themselves in charge. This self-imposed authority may come under many disguises such as higher education, skin color, more wealth than others, etc. They may make make lofty claims. Did not King James "authorize" his Bible? Did God tell him to do that or did he tell himself? My point here is that it is all self-imposed authority. And, if one wants to get down and dirty with truth about it all, it is all White self-imposed authority that sits on the top. I refuse to believe that an impartial God made it that way.

    The Governing Body is the result of an arrogant man (C.T. Russell and later others after him) who somehow arrogated themselves to station themselves above others as having some special calling. In other words, God has called only White men among His creation of mankind to sit in those positions. This does not make any sense.

    It does not make sense that what emanates from the "top" are a reflection (images) of what sits at the top as seen in the publications, art, and film: Adam, Eve, Angels (who are invisible), Jesus, Noah, Moses, The Prophets, The Apostles, etc being portrayed in the likeness of those persons who sit at the top: White men.

    The Catholic Church has its Popes. We all know what color they have traditionally been. Does anyone really think that this how God wants it? Is the Watch Tower any different? No!

    Something is wrong, terribly wrong!

    What is even more disturbing is that millions do not question it?

    If men of a particular race within the human familiy position themselves in positions of authority over the others and they portray what they have not seen in their likeness in publications, then that which they portray cannot be true, it must be false; false images and false portrayals.

    If the portrayals are false, then the teachings behind those portrayals are false.

    Don't tell the world that Adam and Eve looked like White people as this would be false. It would be false to portray them in the likeness of any race among the human family because no one has seen them. Do tell the world that angels are winged pale-skinned White babies or adults knowing full well that angels are not flesh and blood creatures and no one can see an angel in its true form. Don't tell the world that Jesus is a White man because no one has ever seen him in the likeness of ANY race among the human family. Likewise, do not tell the world that 8 men called a Governing Body is God's Faithful Slave. Yes, I concede that there is one African American - Samuel Herd - but that was not always the case, ite GB has been traditionally a White mans club and still is as it is predominately White. One does not see all races within the organization represented at that level. Why not? Why only eight? If there were 10 or 12, why 10 or 12?

    As I stated, something is very wrong as this does not fit the personality of the God I know. He is color-blind.

    So this thing comes full circle and the question is how did it come to be like this: Because it was men themselves who placed themselves in those positions of authority and sold the lie that God did.

    It is no different from a Pope being placed in a position of self-imposed authority over others. Why would God place men in positions of authority over others when Christ is our Head? He is our authority. (1 Cor 11:3)

    Answer: He would not.

    Too, think of all of the mistakes, error, and bad decisions that have emanated from the GB. Certainly, God does not make mistakes. There would be no need for the constant "new light" or "new understanding" coming out of the WT organization because if the "original light" came from God, it be steady and true.

    The GB is one of the many distractions presented and placed in front of men and women to keep them from ajoining themselves to the TRUE BODY: Christ himself.

    R. Jerome Harris

  • designs

    So why does Jesus exclude women

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