by BucketShopBill 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • BucketShopBill

    Where can I find stickers warning Locals we have two pedophiles in our Congregation and they enjoy parking near Middle Schools watching the girls walk by? They are not on the Sex Registry because the Elders did not call the police in the 1990s, so these Pedophiles think their home free!

    How can I warn the town I live in JW Pedophiles are spending lots of time going door-to-door? I one of the Pedophiles sitting at the Middle School with binoculars and a camera, how do I bust him if he's not on the Registry? All I have is a copy of his confession and the Watchtower letter explaining his limited priveldges and why he can't be a elder or be alone with little children.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Tell the police.

  • NVR2L8

    Those documents are a confession and a proof the WT is an acomplice. Go to the police. If you saw him before chances are you can see him again. This time take pictures or make a video...images don't lie.

  • clarity

    Bucket ..... mike & kim had the info on their site

    but watchtower took them down, so they lost it for

    now until Kim can get it all back up. Can't think of

    of the name of our friend who made them & is

    organizing the distribution......????????????

  • stuckinarut2

    You have a signed letter confirming his sins?

    Then that is the very proof you need...tell the police....

  • smiddy

    Give this information to investigative reporters of newspapers in your area , maybe they will take it on.


  • BucketShopBill

    Should I go to the school of his two grandaughters and turn over the paperwork to the Principle and School District? They need to know this man has destroyed many lives over his sexual perversion!

    Why does the Watchtower protect pedophiles, why are they afraid of standing up to sex offeners? Scarry thought, the COBE who is the best friend of this Pedophile had his Mother dump his baby sister and kid brother on to his Uncle because Washington State's Child Services gave Mom a choice, "You can keep your kids if you stop dating the Pedophile", she dumped her kids in lieu for the sex offender who dumped her shortly after her kids left to Uncle Angel, his sister and kid brother were blessed to fall in to the hands of the man with the biggest heart JWs ever knew!

    Clairty, what was so dangerous that caused the Watchtower to forced Kim and Mike's removal of their video? Why did the Watchtower feel the need to make them take down that info? Was it the names of all the sex offenders in the Kingdum Hall? If you disagree with their poision, "your a Korah!" fighting against the "Greater Moses".

  • clarity

    Bucket ...it was a wt assembly talk, I believe,

    copyright problems. Haha so funny Mike & Kim

    laugh in their faces...they just set up the other site,

    kim mikey cult destroyer!


  • Perry-Zephyr

    Wow? We live in a weird place. Pedophiles are all over the place. The issue seems to be with the organization - possibly its stance on pedophilia - and its ability to forgive. I have a very strong stance on this since I was a victim in my youth of a non-Witness. I'm not sure about your circumstance but no JW ever molested me or tried to cover it up.

  • BucketShopBill

    The Watchtower has never been a fan of reporting crimes and sins to the Police even when the Perps broke the law and deserved to go to Prison! If a Pedophiles was to confess their sins to the Elder Body, and you know how Elder Bodys talk (Ten men, no twenty might know of his actions), the Watchtower Leadership say's they have the same right as one Catholic priest who listen's to a person confess their sins. How can they lie? We know they break the line of confidentiality by calling Bethel, the CO, DO and everyone willing to listen. This religion is Dog Vomit!

    Those of us in our 50s to 60s know we were told "Never to expose Jehovah's Organization to shame, "Let yourself be wronged!" "Don't go to Court and sue your Brother!" tens of thousands of Brothers and Sisters have "Waited on Jehovah For Decades!" because nobody wanted to tell the World the Spiritual Paradise claimed by the Watchtower is a Lie! If you read their BOE Letters and their offical guidelines look for the little "qualifier" that state's "Jehovah's Witness Elders will comply with the law of the land when they require it, this might vary from State by State, so you must call the Watchtower's Legal Department to see if you can call the Police!"

    Someone sent me a link to this website, a very nice Pedophile Warning!


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