Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses introduce themselves when knocking on doors?

by Randomthoughts 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bigmac

    Who else knocks on your door on a Saturday morning with the guy in a cheap suit and wearing a tie, and his wife wearing dowdy clothes with a too long skirt ?

    ha ha ha---priceless

  • DwainBowman

    The official policy is still to introduce yourself, right at the start. But like someone said, not to be quick in letting people know youe orgit's. This kind of goes to the old saying, "You'll catch more flys with sugar, than saly! Or put this way, find thing to agree over, and make them feel, your normal, before letting them know, your borgit!


  • carla

    Not only should they introduce themselves (a common courtesy) but they ought to give you THEIR home address and complete picture ID! that way I can send annoying sales people to their homes or perhaps decide I want to give them a lecture on some topic I believe in when it suits me to interrupt their day.

  • BluesBrother

    Because they are not so damn stupid as to invite an immediate door slam !

    NB . I only ever did tis when I was wanting to have no reaction , like when I was depressed and just needed to fill a bit more time to go home. It always worked......Slam !

  • Vidiot

    I was usually up front about it, too; even back then, I felt that it was kinda shady not to (and most of you have probably read my favorite phrase, by now).

  • Vidiot

    Phizzy - "Who else knocks on your door on a Saturday morning with the guy in a cheap suit and wearing a tie?"


    Speaking of which, it's funny... whenever I was asked if we were Mormons, I'd say, "naw, we're JWs; we dress better."

    It always got a smile and broke the ice.

  • prologos

    When people in one of the battlegrounds reacted badly to the Awake, WT, they even published another magazine titled "Saviez vous?" to diguise the JWs identity. Now they have replaced the WATCH TOWER with the ORG.

    now for faders it is better to be dormant than give their identity up front at the front door.

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