JW.Org And The Folks Who Vote With Their Feet

by metatron 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    There is great enthusiasm in many congregations in regard to the Wonderful New Way To Sit Around Wasting Time In The "Ministry". So much easier than trotting from door to door. However, some who set up the literature/JW.Org carts have noticed a disturbing phenomena:

    footpath avoidance.

    In public parks, where these stands are set up, it seems various members of the public divert from an obvious course and continue well away from being anywhere near the JW cart/display......

    as if it was odious

    as if it was repellent

    as if JWs were obnoxious

    I'm sure faithful Witlesses can rationalize this away by reference to demon influence or some similar baloney. However, you folks in Bethel who monitor this site might want to consider that it's going to take much more than cheery graphics to overcome the cultish and anti-family aura that this Organization is stuck with.


  • cultBgone


  • alanv

    I know certainly in UK, folks will take a wide path away from anybody who wants to impede their progress. There are plenty like JWs hanging around street corners so we are well used to avoiding them.

  • Bobcat

    Does anyone know the 'company policy' for these carts? Do the JWs that man them begin their time the moment they set them up? Or do they have to wait for the first contact?

  • OnTheWayOut

    I think the "folks in Bethel" don't give a rat's ass about the distribution of literature from those carts and tables. Giving away literature is proving costly to Watchtower. The carts and tables are for the people sitting at them to feel like they are doing something. The apathy and avoidance will be used to say how well Satan is doing. They will insist that the time is so short that they are just like the rocks crying out and Jehovah will guide worthy ones to the cart. There will be some interviews at conventions from those who found "the truth" when they picked up a tract at a cart and went to jw.org.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Bobcat, I don't know any official policy on the carts, but I do know how JW's count their time. I am confident that the moment they arrive ANYWHERE with the cart (example- it came out of the trunk at 9:03) is when they start to count their time. Others will try to make contact with people before driving to their territory so they can "count the time" driving there. Heck, many will start from the moment they left home with it in the trunk.

    If they were told to wait until contact with a person is made, then they attempt contact with a person on the phone from the meeting for service, or right outside the Kingdom Hall at the nearest possible place.

  • millie210

    I dont know when they start counting their time but I was shocked to learn that each JW has to assume the public liability for wherever they set up.

    For instance, if they locate in a Farmers Market, they have to contact the manager of the market and fill out the form in THEIR name, not the local congregations or JW.Orgs.

    So if you are a publisher, you go get the cart. You go to the location. If there is a fee or paperwork YOU pay it out of your own pocket.

    The Society gets all the credit (if there is any) and the pubs provide all the work and money.

  • stillin

    Some Witnesses have kept a table at a large weekday flea market locally. Hundreds of farmers, rednecks and wealthy people just out "slumming" walk past the table. The clean-shaven faces of the Witnesses, the crispy shirts and ties, the total out-of-placeness of the Witnesses is almost cartoonish.

    one brother who works that table regularly tells me that it's wonderful, but for the life of me, I don't see how it CAN be! Maybe some people respect the dedication of the Witnesses. Maybe some find it handy to satisfy their curiosity and ask their questions anonymously.

    Usually there are at least five witnesses behind the table, counting time. Watching the shoppers walk past.

  • Oubliette

    As I recall from a recent leaked letter, the local congregation buys the cart and associated posters, etc. from the WTBTS. It's a moneymaker!

  • losingit

    Yikes! I would never pay out of pocket like that to register the cart wherever it's displayed. Wow!

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