Jam: 'Jehovah's Witnesses came swiftly and left like a speeding bullet!!!'
And Jehovah's Witnesses call themselves 'Ministers Of The Good News'!
by jam 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Jam: 'Jehovah's Witnesses came swiftly and left like a speeding bullet!!!'
And Jehovah's Witnesses call themselves 'Ministers Of The Good News'!
Jam: '...they covered my block in less then 30 min.'
I believe you!
It's not unusual for Jehovah's Witnesses to canvas a territory or neighborhood that consists of on average 75 to 100 homes in less than 30 minutes. Jehovah's Witnesses are not interested in spending quality time with individuals and talking about the Good News or the Bible in general. They are just interested in getting through a territory in record time!
Happy Dad,
JWBorg.org is alive and will soon be online. Yep, gonna happen and you'll get your wish...
Quality (or should I say Meaty) "presentations" practically disappeared in the late 90's. I remember when dubs were expected to read and explain at least 2 Bible verses, then allow the householder to express his/her thoughts on the matter before even pulling out any mags or literature. Afterwards, you had to provide a summary of the latest mags and offer these along with other tracts or books. Now it's a game of "hit-and-run" using anorexic mags and tracts. This cult is limping it's way to a slow and painful death...
The distribution of tracts changed dramatically in 1973 (pre-1975 era).
*** km 9/73 pp. 1-7 Intensive Tract Distribution ***
130,000,000 copies being readied for use
1 Early in June, The Watchtower stimulated our anticipation for the forthcoming assemblies by telling us that instructions would be given there concerning “a special work” in which all of us would be privileged to share. Before the first day of the assembly had ended we knew what it was—intensive distribution of a special tract on an unprecedented scale. One hundred and thirty million copies are being supplied by the Society for use world wide. Forty-five million have been shipped out for use here in the United States alone. About a hundred of these are for you personally to use in your ministry.
2 This is just what we need to reach many honest-hearted ones in the final portion of the “last days.” Compared with the world’s population, we are ‘few workers.’ The field is huge; “the harvest is great.” (Matt. 9:37) Often many of us have wondered how we might get to people who have received only a limited witness. Even in territories that are worked often, many still do not really know the purpose of our calling because they have not taken time to listen. How grateful we can be to Jehovah for making available an instrument that will enable us to reach people quickly with a vital message from his Word!
3 Right on the front of the tract an urgent question is posed: “Is Time Running Out for Mankind?” It is a question that people everywhere need to face. The answer is set out in style that is designed to catch the attention even of people who are inclined to be indifferent. Anyone who picks up the tract will quickly have impressed on his mind the main ideas, which are set out in bold, eye-catching style. The large type and brevity of the message invite reading. Here in concise form is a forceful presentation of an urgent message.
4 The distribution is scheduled to be accomplished in just ten days, from September 21 through 30. Apart from your use of the packet that you received at the assembly, it is requested that none of the tracts be distributed before September 21. And by the time that you complete your field service on September 30, it is hoped that every last one will be in the hands of the public. Why is the distribution being done in such an intensive manner? Because of the impact that this will have on the public. People talk to one another, and they will soon realize that nearly everyone they know was served with the same urgent message.This will make a far deeper impression than would a gradual distribution over many months. Furthermore, we realize that the time remaining for this wicked world is greatly reduced. Opportunity for people to learn the truth and take their stand on Jehovah’s side is fast running out. Because of our deep love and concern for people, we want to give them every possible opportunity, and at the same time accomplish a grand witness that brings honor to Jehovah.
5 Based on the number of publishers reporting in your congregation in April, the Society has sent one hundred tracts for each publisher. However, if you now actually have more publishers, or if some have moved to other congregations, in your congregation you may personally receive fewer than a hundred, or possibly more. Are you willing to distribute your entire allotment? We are confident that love for Jehovah and concern for the lives of your fellowmen will move you to accept these tracts and then, if at all possible, personally to put them all out to the public. Your heart will rejoice to have had a full share in this exciting work.
6 There is no doubt that special effort will be required on the part of each one of us. But will it not be a joy to know that within a matter of days one of the greatest witnesses of all time will be given? So would it not be an excellent time for enlarging your share in the field ministry? Many doubtless will want to be temporary pioneers during this time. If you are able to do that, we encourage you to do so. Congregations will also be making special arrangements for midweek group witnessing. And in many locations, especially where Sunday meetings are early in the day, the congregation will be invited to go out en masse to share in tract distribution afterward. Even if some are able to stay with the group only a short while, we encourage them to share with the congregation in this united witness.
7 Who may have a share in the work? Certainly everyone who is already a publisher of the good news will want to do so. But remember, there are many people with whom you are studying and who are attending congregation meetings. Do some of them meet the qualifications to be publishers? Maybe they will want to assist you to distribute the message contained in the tract. And then after that, perhaps they will keep on sharing with you in making known the good news from door to door. Invite them to do so.
8 This work is not difficult. It is something in which all can share. If your health permits you to call at only a few doors at a time, do that. If you can stay out for several hours, then do not hold back. Of course, serious ill health may prevent some from doing as much as they would like to do. But surely they can hand a few tracts to others or send them through the mail. And other publishers in the congregation will gladly assist them to distribute the remainder. If for some reason you personally are unable to distribute your full allotment of tracts, then please turn the remainder over to your book study conductor or turn them in at the Kingdom Hall. Do this before the final weekend, so that others can help to get them into the hands of the public.
9 When you turn in your field service report for September, whether you are a congregation publisher or a pioneer, please note at the bottom of the report how many of the Kingdom News tracts you actually did distribute. The field overseer will send on to the Society the total figure for the congregation.
10 After the tract distribution is completed, we encourage you to go right back into the same territories in your regular house-to-house activity, instead of working in other areas. This will give people who read the tract opportunity to ask questions and may open the way for many fine Bible studies. The Society will also notify you of any persons in your area who write to request further information, and we recommend that you follow up on these calls promptly.
11 May Jehovah bless your efforts as you share fully in this united international witness, pointing to Jehovah’s kingdom in the hands of Jesus Christ as the only hope for humankind.
It's just pathetic that GOD can't do any better.
*** km 4/74 pp. 1-3 Prove Whose Side You Support ***
8 The title of the new tract clearly presents the issue facing all mankind today—“Government by God—Are You for It or Against It?” We know what our choice is. We are for God’s government both now and forever! This is the agency that will vindicate Jehovah’s name, and there is no other government that can satisfy mankind’s desire for true peace and security. We know that, and Kingdom News No. 18 provides a marvelous opportunity to show both Jehovah and fellow humans where we personally stand as to this great issue.
9 And think of the fine results that can be expected. Some who have studied the Bible with us may now be moved to take a definite step to show their decision by sharing with us in this special work. Others, who have in the past listened to us, may now be aided to see the urgency of the matter and so may want to start studying or may come to the Kingdom Hall. Surely, then, all of us who love God’s government will want to have the fullest share possible in distributing Kingdom News No. 18!
10 Keep in mind the time for this work—it is May 3 through 12. Each congregation will be consigned tracts at the rate of 100 for each publisher who reported field service in December.
Later this year they are back to merely offering the mags, I wonder how many JW's will find return to the drudgery of trying to get some "interest" at the doors will be so draining that they will spend less and less time doing it.
The hits for the website will drop off too, I wonder what the JW's will make of that, their wonderful "unique" website making little real impact in cyberworld.
It will all be proof we are nearing the end I 'spose.
Of course that is true, the end of the JW.Org religion, which will take a long time, but is inevitable.
The wife mention, did you notice he didn't have a bible with him...
Gone are the days, "Bible Students"..
jam - "...please sir don't ask me any questions just take this pamphlet and let me go on my way."
Wow; that takes me back...
jam - "...they covered my block in less then 30 min."
What would we call that?
Speed-witnessing? Blitz-witnessing? Blitz-nessing?