Delusional E-mail from my dad.. So sad

by BU2B 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • BU2B

    I sent my dad the Fred Franz talk "my story" when he somewhat candidly discusses the failed prophecies, 1925 etc. I was hoping it would plant a seed of doubt in his heart. However my parents eat sleep and breathe WT. this was his emailed response. There truly does not seem to be any getting through to these people. Maybe I will send Sinutko's "Stay alive til '75" talk next.. Of course I'm fairly sure that would accomplish nothing as well.

    "Finally had a chance to listen to it all. Interesting to see how he knew all that theocratic history first hand, and was at Bethel from 1920. So when I was there I was overlapping/living with someone who had been there through all that history! Fascinating to see how his faith only grew stronger through the wrong expectations and adjustments in understanding. He could see Jehovah's hand through the years. All 12 GB members from when we were there have died. Yet Jehovah's spirit assures things are not of human accomplishment, as things move forward more and more. This month I marvel as I see the 28 aux. pioneers in our congregation, and other publishers, many crippled and sick and old, hobbling along.......and Jehovah's spirit is moving them along like an unstoppable locust plague! It's like they have wings on their shoes! I had to take them into three different territories this morning! Earth wide as this system falls apart, you can FEEL how unstoppable Jehovah's Kingdom is. Amazing. Thanks for the link!"

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    If your parents are old, you may as well let them die in the fantasy than attempt to shatter their delusions. I'm not bothering to try and influence my 76 year old mother no matter how much i'd like her to see the lie she believes in.

  • cultBgone

    So sad indeed. Maybe you should just let them live out their's doubtful they could cope with reality if they are dyed-in-the-wool longtimers.

  • Oubliette

    Fascinating to see how his faith only grew stronger through the wrong expectations and adjustments in understanding.


    So being "wrong" is somehow PROOF of being "right"?

  • BU2B

    And this from a man who has read and watched Orwells 1984 and enjoyed it. He just does not see the parallels. He is not even 60 yet, mid to late 50s so not too old. Plus I have to go on the offensive, because they are already concerned for my "spirituality". I am their only child so they have all thieir hopes invested in me. It will be heartbreaking to see the disappointment in their eyes. Alas it must happen and soon. He is the secretary of his congregation and just signed up to regular pioneer starting next week. He got laid off from his job a while back and just got offered the job back, but has refused, saying he has already commuted himself to pioneer. My mother has not worked for 35 years and has been pioneering since then. It's a sad state of affairs. I tell you the WT publications line every table desk and wall in their house. They are truly model JW citizens.


    I tend to agree with the previous posts, it sounds like there is nothing that will wake them up. They obviously get emotional satisfaction from being JWs. Why spend your time fruitlessly trying to Change them? Go ahead and live your life according to your own beliefs. At least you woke up at an early age. No need to rock the boat trying to influence your parents.

  • BU2B

    Mainly because I know that they will be up my ass when they find out I do not go to the KH demanding answers. I want them to see that I Am not crazy but have solid reasons for my course

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Anyone, for any length of time involved with, has been abused. It is an abusive religion.

    Your parents are traumatized so much, (just as WT/ hopes) that they have lost touch with reality. They are not planning on a future, but the GB certainly is.

    Look up Stockholm Syndrome.

    When 10 more years go by, and your parents are wondering where is this promised paradise, will they think, huh, GB moved into swanky new digs in New York, I guess they plan ahead??? Gosh, Mabel (names have been changed) maybe we should have worked and saved for our retirement and we should have done some of the things that would have made us happy. The GB sure look happy.

    Your parents and most JW's aka do not have their hand out. They are mostly kind hearted people, but not deep thinkers. They give and GB don't give back except to give empty promises of paradise, mean while , back on the farm, GB are basking in ego boosting glory, vacations, and golf in the winter down in Florida.

    I feel so sorry for your parents. Giving up a job to pioneer? GB tell people to pioneer and emotionally abuse people but insinuating if you are not a pioneer, then Jehovah won't love you. GB don't worry about rent or mortgage payments, or medical or dental health. Not only do they not worry about making car payments, they have chauffeured driven car rides. As long as they can keep brow beating, sorry, suckers, to give them money every month, they are whistling a happy tune.


  • sparky1

    "You can FEEL how unstoppable Jehovah's Kingdom is." If that statement wasn't so sad I would burst out laughing! In 1974 when I was pioneering before I went to BETHEL I made a similar comment to my mother. We were talking out in service one day and I said to her,'You know mum, Armageddon will be here any day. Things can't get any worse! I can FEEL it!' My mother died in the year 2000 still expecting Armageddon to come while she was on her death bed. I am 59 years old and was told I would never get into Jr. High School, High School, etc., etc.........................and on and on and on and on.

  • hamsterbait

    Wfury - it is the same with my mother: let her go to the grave happy in her delusions. It is sooo hard not to drop the same shitty sarcasm that is on the tip of her tongue for everybody else's religions.


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